Saturday, May 29, 2010
Party Panic
It is starting. The anxiety. The Party Panic. My Asher is turning 2 on 6/9. Writing that almost made me cry. So sad. Anywhoo, trying to get a little simple party together to celebrate his sweet little life. I tend to go towards themes that do not exist in a Party Store. Now while they are fun and hopefully creative, the week of the party, you can find me in my room holding my excel party spreadsheet and hyperventilating. Ok, maybe not that dramatic, but close. I have a few projects to finish up and then I just need a plan of where things will go. I think the biggest worry, is the weather. While it has been nice for a few days, I worry that it will rain and ruin all of my planning. We have a BEAUTIFUL pool here at the house and everyone is ready to use it. Also, my food consists of grill items, so it CAN'T rain.
Back to the pool, it should be ready for swimming tomorrow which is fantastic, but will most likely just distract me from my remaining projects. Like right now I should be finishing up the party favors and instead I am writing this. Which is probably completely boring. Whatever.
Hope the party is as cute in real life as it has been in my head for the last few months. It is the simplest party I have done to date, so really I shouldn't be that stressed. But maybe that is my problem, maybe I feel like it isn't enough. Then I tell myself, he is 2, he doesn't care, but I do and that is all that matters.
In the middle of finishing up Ashers party, I have to think of Izzy's invitations. They have to go out generally around this time every year. So then I start thinking of his party which gets my mind all frazzled, confused and leaves me overwhelmed.
Tomorrow my plan of action is to:
1) Go to church.
2) Swim in my beautiful pool and catch some rays!
3) Take a nap because I will be tired.
4) Review party spreadsheet
5) HOPEFULLY, mark a few things off the list.
6) Try to resist the urge to check the weather until Wednesday.
Oops! Writing #6 made me want to check the weather. So I did. FAIL! But, on a happier note, looks like a sunny week ahead!
This week your duty is to pray for beautiful weather and that I have a motivation to complete my projects after a full day with my two boys. I need all of the help I can get!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Big Boy. For Real.
Wasn't it just yesterday that I wrote a post about Izzy's first day of Preschool? That's what I thought! Well, here we are on the very last day of Prek, and Mommy is super-duper emotional. Izzy was ecstatic, of course. He had a great day at school and was sent home with a huge packet of lots of work he did from the year. It was great looking through it and seeing all of his progress. He also came home with a pumpkin plant so that should be very fun for fall.
While he was at school, I ran off to get balloons, streamers and poster board to make a little "last day of Preschool/Hello Summer" party. Asher helped Mommy decorate and we had so much fun. I made brownies with my perfect brownie pan which is quite perfect for someone with slight OCD like me. :) I also threw in a pizza for a super yummy and not so good for you lunch. When Izzy got home from school the family cheered for him and he walked into his surprise in the kitchen. He was so happy, he danced and said "Cool Dude!"
After lunch we went outside and had a water balloon fight, our very first, and I have to say that I have never ever heard my boys giggle like that ever. We will have to do that more often. Today was a beautiful day and once the balloons had been thrown, it got hot quick. Mommy decided to bust out the crazy sprinkler and let them go at it. Except, Asher was having nothing to do with it. We have made progress, but not sprinkler progress. :)
I enjoyed the rest of the outdoor time from my lounge chair, soaking up some sun. It was LOVELY! Asher was super content with a big dump truck and a pile of rocks. He is totally a boy. Load the rocks, dump the rocks. The whole day was perfect. We had so much fun and my heart was so full seeing my boys excited and happy.
Sometimes, I get comments like "Why do you make things such a big deal?" My answer in short, "Because it takes almost no effort, and a little time and the results are incredible." My "Last day of school" party cost $3.70. It took maybe an hour to decorate and bake, and his reactions are priceless. I am sure any kid would feel the same. A little time, very little money can make someone feel extra special. I think it is all about letting someone know that you were thinking of them. I want my kids to look back and remember all of their important days and hopefully little things like this will stay with him forever.
When I was making dinner tonight, he walked up to me and said, "Mommy, you are my favorite Mommy in the whole Country. You are such a blessing to me." I don't know another 4 year old that talks like that, but I think that gives you the answer as to why I try so hard to let my kids know they are special. Because they make me feel so special.
Today it is official. My baby is a big boy. He is going to Kindergarten, and I have the rest of the summer to get used to it. Here is to hoping this summer goes SUPER SLOW! :)
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Mommy Guilt
I have the sads today. :(
Izzy was sick last week. Like the sickest that boy has ever been, sick. Last Saturday we went with our friends to Fun Run, and the boys ran off and jumped on bouncey's all day. The next morning, he woke up and cried about a horrible headache. Weird, he has never had one before. We stay home from church and he cries throughout the day. He wakes up in the middle of the night sobbing that his head hurts so badly that his eyes are burning and he can't open them. I sleep in his room and hear him weep throughout the night. Then he throws up. Ugh. Monday, he has a temp of 102 and slept from 11 am-6pm STRAIGHT. Hubby wakes him up at 6 and moves him back to his bed and he immediately went back to sleep for the night. That is until 2 am when he starts throwing up every 5 minutes. That is when he developed the weirdest cough. I assumed it was from the puking and the no eating for days so I thought maybe his throat was burnt a little in the process. By Wednesday, he was back at school feeling much better and back to eating. He still had this nagging cough that sounded awful and really kicked up at night.
Cut to this morning, I get a call from my dear friend who we went to Fun Run with last week. She asked me to review Izzy's symptoms and I did. Turns out, her son has the exact same thing and was up all night. Headache, vomiting, fever, and a weird cough. Her hubby takes him to the Doc and I worried, because I know how sick and unmovable Izzy was when he had it and don't you hate when you take your poor little sicky in for a checkup and they say "Oh it is a virus, wait it out and keep the fluids running." Well, I was wrong. WAY wrong. Turns out, he has Croup! Which means, Izzy most likely had the same thing. Now, I know that Izzy is now healthy and fine, although he still has that yucky cough at night, but I feel awful that I didn't take him in to get it checked out. Her son was put on a steroid and seems to be improving already. I have never known anyone to have Croup so I googled it. When I read that children that were born prematurely are most at risk and when they get it have a high risk of being hospitalized, I felt horrible!
Rationally, I know that I can't know everything. But, Mommies are built with a natural intuition, and normally mine is right on. Glad that our boys are happy and healthy and getting better every day. Just wish I had taken it a little more seriously and maybe he would have gotten healthier a little quicker and not suffered so much.
On a happier note, my boys played outside all morning. I put up a little tent in the backyard, filled a little case full of army/spy toys, supplied snacks and drinks and let them have at it. 4 hours later, they came in dripping sweat, covered in dirt and laughing so hard. It was simply the cutest watching them play together like little boys. Now that might sound weird because they are boys, duh, but they are really getting to the age where they love the same toys, love to play together and Asher is so obsessed with Izzy that he will literally do whatever is asked of him. They chased each other around the yard, in and out of the tent and hid from each other. Where was Mommy? I was sitting so comfortably in a leather recliner, watching a recorded show and relaxing while watching them play with the basement door open. Have I told you how happy I am to have nice weather again? Very happy. :)
And so are they!
Izzy was sick last week. Like the sickest that boy has ever been, sick. Last Saturday we went with our friends to Fun Run, and the boys ran off and jumped on bouncey's all day. The next morning, he woke up and cried about a horrible headache. Weird, he has never had one before. We stay home from church and he cries throughout the day. He wakes up in the middle of the night sobbing that his head hurts so badly that his eyes are burning and he can't open them. I sleep in his room and hear him weep throughout the night. Then he throws up. Ugh. Monday, he has a temp of 102 and slept from 11 am-6pm STRAIGHT. Hubby wakes him up at 6 and moves him back to his bed and he immediately went back to sleep for the night. That is until 2 am when he starts throwing up every 5 minutes. That is when he developed the weirdest cough. I assumed it was from the puking and the no eating for days so I thought maybe his throat was burnt a little in the process. By Wednesday, he was back at school feeling much better and back to eating. He still had this nagging cough that sounded awful and really kicked up at night.
Cut to this morning, I get a call from my dear friend who we went to Fun Run with last week. She asked me to review Izzy's symptoms and I did. Turns out, her son has the exact same thing and was up all night. Headache, vomiting, fever, and a weird cough. Her hubby takes him to the Doc and I worried, because I know how sick and unmovable Izzy was when he had it and don't you hate when you take your poor little sicky in for a checkup and they say "Oh it is a virus, wait it out and keep the fluids running." Well, I was wrong. WAY wrong. Turns out, he has Croup! Which means, Izzy most likely had the same thing. Now, I know that Izzy is now healthy and fine, although he still has that yucky cough at night, but I feel awful that I didn't take him in to get it checked out. Her son was put on a steroid and seems to be improving already. I have never known anyone to have Croup so I googled it. When I read that children that were born prematurely are most at risk and when they get it have a high risk of being hospitalized, I felt horrible!
Rationally, I know that I can't know everything. But, Mommies are built with a natural intuition, and normally mine is right on. Glad that our boys are happy and healthy and getting better every day. Just wish I had taken it a little more seriously and maybe he would have gotten healthier a little quicker and not suffered so much.
On a happier note, my boys played outside all morning. I put up a little tent in the backyard, filled a little case full of army/spy toys, supplied snacks and drinks and let them have at it. 4 hours later, they came in dripping sweat, covered in dirt and laughing so hard. It was simply the cutest watching them play together like little boys. Now that might sound weird because they are boys, duh, but they are really getting to the age where they love the same toys, love to play together and Asher is so obsessed with Izzy that he will literally do whatever is asked of him. They chased each other around the yard, in and out of the tent and hid from each other. Where was Mommy? I was sitting so comfortably in a leather recliner, watching a recorded show and relaxing while watching them play with the basement door open. Have I told you how happy I am to have nice weather again? Very happy. :)
Pool Party!
Yesterday the kids and I went to a pool party for our friend Elijah who turned 5 years old! It was so much fun. His Mommy had the room decorated so cute and the kids were so excited about everything. This is a really fun age because they understand what having a birthday party really means and this was his first party with school friends. Big step! From the moment we got there, all you heard was belly laughing from a group of boys and that lasted the entire time. It didn't take much to make the boys giggle. One boy blew into his capri sun to make it puff up and I thought Izzy was going to laugh so hard he would pee his pants. After pizza, cupcakes and presents, it was time to go to the pool. Except it wasn't just and indoor pool it was like a mini water park. A soft foam Pirate ship was set right in the middle with a slide and huge water guns. The pirate flags filled with water and would dump randomly and fountains of water sprayed kids unexpectedly. There was also a giant spiral tube slide, but unfortunately all of our kids were too short to try it out.
Once I put Izzy's life jacket on, he was like the road runner in the water. I could barely keep track of him! Asher on the other hand, he stayed close to Mommy. He did much better than I anticipated, but wanted me to sit right next to him so he could safely splash in the water. He even tried the pirate slide a few times, so we are making progress when it comes to water. He doesn't like to be splashed or to have water above his shoulders so he was happy if we stayed away from the fountains. When the party was over, we came home and went straight to nap. I was having this weird dream about Asher crying in the middle of the night when I woke up to Asher screaming in the monitor. I looked at my clock to find out it was 6 pm. Let's review: Boys go to bed at 7. Whoops! Ran down and rescued my baby and tried to wake Izzy. Hubby came up about 20 minutes later and said Izzy was still asleep! He finally woke up from his hibernation and we enjoyed dinner and then Hubby surprised us and took us for some Ice Cream!!!! We sat out on the deck of the local Baskin Robbins and gobbled up our quickly melting treat and listen to Izzy tell us how much he loves us. Over and over again. :) He is always so loving and affectionate, but something about yesterday he just was gushing with love. I walked into the kitchen to find him kissing Ashers hand and telling him, "I love you brother, you are the best brother ever made." At the pool party, he swam across the entire pool, got out and walked over to me and said, "I love you, Mom!", turned around and jumped back in. Lots of effort for those sweet words. During our ice cream trip, he told Hubby over and over again, "Daddy, I love you so much." He even told me, "Mommy, you make my heart so happy, you take care of me when I am sick, you read to me, you play with me. I just love you guys so much." These are just a few...he was full of them all day. He is the sweetest kid I know.
Our pool opens tomorrow, and I could not be more excited. I have never wanted a tan so badly in my life. I just want to lay out in my comfy lounge chair with a cold lemonade and listen to the boys laugh and chase each other around the backyard. I want to swim and only get out to enjoy some yummy grilled chicken. I want to take the best naps ever because you are so wiped from all the sunshine. I want to have no laundry because all you wear is a swimsuit all day, everyday. I want summer, because that means Hubby is on a break and we get to enjoy some much needed family time!
With all of the fun we had yesterday, it makes me even more excited for the pool to open. It has been a super long crazy winter and I am over it.
Once I put Izzy's life jacket on, he was like the road runner in the water. I could barely keep track of him! Asher on the other hand, he stayed close to Mommy. He did much better than I anticipated, but wanted me to sit right next to him so he could safely splash in the water. He even tried the pirate slide a few times, so we are making progress when it comes to water. He doesn't like to be splashed or to have water above his shoulders so he was happy if we stayed away from the fountains. When the party was over, we came home and went straight to nap. I was having this weird dream about Asher crying in the middle of the night when I woke up to Asher screaming in the monitor. I looked at my clock to find out it was 6 pm. Let's review: Boys go to bed at 7. Whoops! Ran down and rescued my baby and tried to wake Izzy. Hubby came up about 20 minutes later and said Izzy was still asleep! He finally woke up from his hibernation and we enjoyed dinner and then Hubby surprised us and took us for some Ice Cream!!!! We sat out on the deck of the local Baskin Robbins and gobbled up our quickly melting treat and listen to Izzy tell us how much he loves us. Over and over again. :) He is always so loving and affectionate, but something about yesterday he just was gushing with love. I walked into the kitchen to find him kissing Ashers hand and telling him, "I love you brother, you are the best brother ever made." At the pool party, he swam across the entire pool, got out and walked over to me and said, "I love you, Mom!", turned around and jumped back in. Lots of effort for those sweet words. During our ice cream trip, he told Hubby over and over again, "Daddy, I love you so much." He even told me, "Mommy, you make my heart so happy, you take care of me when I am sick, you read to me, you play with me. I just love you guys so much." These are just a few...he was full of them all day. He is the sweetest kid I know.
Our pool opens tomorrow, and I could not be more excited. I have never wanted a tan so badly in my life. I just want to lay out in my comfy lounge chair with a cold lemonade and listen to the boys laugh and chase each other around the backyard. I want to swim and only get out to enjoy some yummy grilled chicken. I want to take the best naps ever because you are so wiped from all the sunshine. I want to have no laundry because all you wear is a swimsuit all day, everyday. I want summer, because that means Hubby is on a break and we get to enjoy some much needed family time!
With all of the fun we had yesterday, it makes me even more excited for the pool to open. It has been a super long crazy winter and I am over it.
Friday, May 21, 2010
New Layout!
It is Spring time...although you wouldn't know it where I live. Sunshine hasn't come for a visit in a while and the non-stop rain has left me needing something to brighten my day and attitude. What better time to change up the ole' blog. Loving the colors and the sweet pic of my boys. Hopefully, you all think the same.
I spent the night working away on my little lovey's 2nd birthday bash. One project almost completed, so I am feeling pretty good about myself. I am branching out. I am trying new things. I am daring to be creative and not really worrying so much about the outside opinion, which is a pretty big deal since I am a total people pleaser. I would have never categorized myself as a crafty person, and maybe I still won't, but it turns out I can throw a pretty cute party. Very excited for Lovey's party. Not so excited that he is growing so fast. Lots of things to mark off the party project list, it is now a daily requirement. Mommy needs to stay focused!
Saturday is sure to be fun, a pool party for a sweet 5 year old friend. Can't wait to find out how Asher reacts to the water. Baths have proven to be a war so I am a little concerned for pool time tomorrow and the rest of the summer for that matter. This is one time where I am hoping peer pressure wins. :)
All in all, I had a great night. Quiet night full of projects all to myself. Gave me a little time to regroup and get out of this funk I was in earlier. Excited to start a new day and enjoy it with great friends and my super cute swimmers. (Hopefully)
LIttle things
This week I have had a lot of extra time with my boys. Izzy was home sick with a virus, which meant no play dates or outings, and instead lots of time at home trying to be creative. Last night when I was in bed, I was thinking about the little things I have noticed lately, that I hope I never forget.
1. Asher hums when he gets tired.
Binky in the mouth, he hums a monotone note. I don't even know if he realizes he is doing it. At first it is cute, unless you aren't close to home and listening to a "Nap Alarm" for 15 minutes in the car tends to get a little annoying. Now, if you are at home an he just hums for a couple of minutes...totally cute. :)
2. Izzy's sings made up songs in the shower.
This morning he was singing about dropping his oatmeal and slipping on it. I don't know where he gets his lyrics sometimes, but they are always very funny. And random. A couple of weeks ago, it went something like: I live in Kansas City, I live in Kansas City, Fire in the Hole, Fire in the Hole! It makes me smile every time.
3. Asher likes to pretend he is taking a nap.
He thinks it is beyond hilarious to snuggle next to you, put his chubby hands under his face and snore really loud in your ear. He wants you to pretend too. When you open your eyes, he busts into hysterical laughter and then gives you a kiss. Every time. It is such a sweet moment.
4. Izzy pretends he can read everything.
I found him reading my email the other day. Except he can't read. He was staring at the screen forever and I walked in and said, "Hey Nosey!" He was like, "So, whats going on here on this facebook?" LOL
5. Fives.
I wish I could remember all of the sweet things Izzy says during our "Fives" each night. Last night we did "Highs and Lows" and "Fives". He said, "Mommy, my low today was you left to go to the store. My high was when you came back." Sweets.
6. I want to remember their little hands.
Asher is always holding my hand and his hands are growing so fast! I hope I can remember how his little hand felt in mine.
7. Ashers Hugs.
When he hugs you he rubs your back. I love that.
8. Izzys sweet prayers.
He thinks of everyone and in case he forgot something the first time, he starts all over. :)
Good day to think of all the little things I need to appreciate and enjoy. Mommy is tired, sore and overwhelmed with projects. I have lots to be thankful for and I need to slow down a little more so I can actually enjoy them. Off to a good nap and can hopefully wake up and cross a few things off of my growing list!
Happy Friday!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
What do you do on a Wednesday night?
Have I ever told you about my Dad? I don't think so. My Dad is endlessly talented. He is simply amazing on the piano and organ. As a young teenager, he went to an Andrae Crouch concert and that night decided he was going to teach himself to play the piano. He tells the story of playing the Andrae record over and over and over again until he got it. From that, he learned to play by ear and now can play anything by hearing it a couple of times. Like I said, amazing. My Dads friends all play music and when they were young they formed a Christian band that toured all over. As a baby, I traveled with them in the bus. By the time my brother came along, the traveling slowed down and as we got older, Dad put business before music unless it was with the church. He has always said, if he hadn't met and married my Mother, he would have probably never married and instead become a professional musician.
Randomly, his friends will call him up and ask him to play for a corporate gig or concert and it is always so fun to hear him play. His friends are amazing as well and some even have their own CD's out. Tonight, they are practicing in the basement for an upcoming corporate event. Most of the stuff they are practicing tonight is Stevie Wonder or original jazz tunes. I LOVE Stevie. So as I am sitting in the basement, holding my boys and listening to "Isn't she lovely" and "I Wish", it hit me that this might not be normal. I am pretty sure I am the only one in my circle, who grew up on a tour bus, played during band practices, or slept through recording sessions on a school night. Or gets to hear a complete Stevie Wonder/Jazz concert on a Wednesday night.
It has been amazing growing up and listening to all of the musical talent I have been exposed to and now, my kids get the same experience. Well except, I put them to bed on time. :) Really hoping the musical talent gets passed down to my boys. I am pretty sure it has. Izzy can't hear a beat without his entire body moving. Tonight when they were playing and we were still eating dinner Izzy said, "Man this music is SO GOOD, I just gotta shake my HIPS!" Asher is the same, but he is more of an air drummer kinda guy. He hears a beat and the pretend sticks are in the air.
*****New Music Update: They are playing Billie Jean!!!!!********** Be jealous now.
If my kids were asleep, I am pretty sure they just woke up and are probably break dancing in their rooms. :)
Love my life, it is always interesting for sure!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
I read a post today from a Dad and his opinion on TV shows and the effect on his kids. Being very cautious myself about what my kids view, I was pleasantly surprised to hear a Dads point of view very similar to my own. With two boys ages 4 and 1, I currently feel safe with PBS (minus Dragon Tails-yuck) and Nick Jr. My kids don't watch anything else. If they do watch a show, I feel it should be educational and show good examples of family. Now, I know almost every parent detests Max and Ruby. Yeah, yeah, yeah, but you know what I really appreciate about that show? Finally, a show with siblings that get along and speak kindly to one another. Now, insert every Dad in the country saying "Where are the flippin bunny parents?" Me- "Who cares." It isn't about the parent/child relationship it is about siblings and I appreciate that. I am so over shows with siblings who are ugly and make it seem normal to argue. I am DETERMINED to raise my two boys to turn to each other for help, and to grow to be best friends. Arguing and unkindness is not allowed at my house. I am 100% pro Max & Ruby!
Izzy's favorite show right now is Sid the Science Kid on PBS. I love that he watches this show and the stuff he has learned is amazing! When he has computer time, he always goes to that site and plays science games or builds a roller coaster while learning about kinetic energy. Say what!?!
So what is absolutely not allowed in my house? Well, most things. The show I cannot stand the most is Spongebob. I have watched the show and it is funny in a dumb humor kind of way, but, my rule is if my brother likes the know it isn't good for the boys. :) I think that show is intended for an older audience and almost all of the "jokes" are over Izzy's head so what is the point. Also, what educational value is SB bringing? *crickets*
My super duper great friend Stacy told me about a wonderful website she uses to preview movies for her daughter- You can search for a movie and it will give a rating based on sex, violence and profanity. It is super detailed and even tells if one character gives another a flirty look. This has been so helpful when renting movies for our family movie night that we haven't already previewed. Izzy is his own "filter" and there have even been times where we have thought something was appropriate and he let us know we were wrong! I love that about him. Izzy has never watched any of the old movies I grew up on, not by my choice, but his. He doesn't like movies with an ugly villain, so throw out every Disney movie. lol!
Now this is strictly my opinion and how I choose to raise my kids, no judgement to anyone who doesn't choose the same. When Marcus and I were dating we loved going to see the latest animated movie on a date. When we had kids, we couldn't wait to share these movies we loved together, but watching them again as a parent, I have a different view. There is so many movies and shows that are marketed for small children which are so obviously not meant for them. Shout-out to Stacy for the heads up on the website!
I feel like one of the biggest challenges to parenting these days are keeping your child their age and not exposing them to too much too soon. Parenting is hard. I have already heard the, "But MOooooM! My friend ________ gets to watch this show." And that is when I turned into my Mother and said, "I don't care what your friends watch, I ain't their Mama!" And so it begins. Pretty soon, I will be saying, "This hurts me, more than it hurts you." and the ever famous "When I was a kid..."
How do you feel about what your kids are watching?
Izzy's favorite show right now is Sid the Science Kid on PBS. I love that he watches this show and the stuff he has learned is amazing! When he has computer time, he always goes to that site and plays science games or builds a roller coaster while learning about kinetic energy. Say what!?!
So what is absolutely not allowed in my house? Well, most things. The show I cannot stand the most is Spongebob. I have watched the show and it is funny in a dumb humor kind of way, but, my rule is if my brother likes the know it isn't good for the boys. :) I think that show is intended for an older audience and almost all of the "jokes" are over Izzy's head so what is the point. Also, what educational value is SB bringing? *crickets*
My super duper great friend Stacy told me about a wonderful website she uses to preview movies for her daughter- You can search for a movie and it will give a rating based on sex, violence and profanity. It is super detailed and even tells if one character gives another a flirty look. This has been so helpful when renting movies for our family movie night that we haven't already previewed. Izzy is his own "filter" and there have even been times where we have thought something was appropriate and he let us know we were wrong! I love that about him. Izzy has never watched any of the old movies I grew up on, not by my choice, but his. He doesn't like movies with an ugly villain, so throw out every Disney movie. lol!
Now this is strictly my opinion and how I choose to raise my kids, no judgement to anyone who doesn't choose the same. When Marcus and I were dating we loved going to see the latest animated movie on a date. When we had kids, we couldn't wait to share these movies we loved together, but watching them again as a parent, I have a different view. There is so many movies and shows that are marketed for small children which are so obviously not meant for them. Shout-out to Stacy for the heads up on the website!
I feel like one of the biggest challenges to parenting these days are keeping your child their age and not exposing them to too much too soon. Parenting is hard. I have already heard the, "But MOooooM! My friend ________ gets to watch this show." And that is when I turned into my Mother and said, "I don't care what your friends watch, I ain't their Mama!" And so it begins. Pretty soon, I will be saying, "This hurts me, more than it hurts you." and the ever famous "When I was a kid..."
How do you feel about what your kids are watching?
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Life is hectic these days and lately I feel like I am spinning. Hubby's schedule is at an all-time crazy level with his comprehensive final coming up, which leaves me on my own for the next 3 weeks. Translation: I should have taken a nap today.
Izzy has his last couple weeks of school, and with that is lots of activities, a luncheon, his first field trip and lots of crying by Mommy. Asher is turning two next month, so I have been busy working on his birthday party and of course, I decided to make almost everything on my own, so my projects are piling up. I have been running ragged and trying to fit in as many activities, family time, and Mommy/son dates as I possibly can.
It is starting to all hit me. My sweet little Izzy is turning 5 in July and starting Kindergarten in the fall. These are my last days, for play dates and picnics, days at the park and mid-day runs for a treat. There is always a positive in everything, next year Asher and I will get lots of one on one time, but somehow, I am still sad.
Hubby tried to convince me that I do 1,000,000 more things with the boys than anyone he knows, and I am sure he is right. I can't help myself though. Just a few years ago, I didn't know if I would get to hold a baby of my own, and here I am blessed with these 2 little guys and I can just feel this special time just slipping through my fingers.
******Interrupt this post for a breaking update*********
Izzy just busted threw the door crying and complaining of a severe headache and within 2 minutes puked on his floor. Never a dull moment, eh? Please add, sick child to the list of items causing my head to spin. Turns out Mommy and Izzy probably racked up 1 minute of sleep through the night in between his constant updates. "Mom, you still in here? Cause I am still really sick." Asher woke up earlier than normal (of course he did) and while I was getting him settled I found out we were having company for the day. Family from out of town, perfect timing! Luckily, it was my favorite Aunt and Uncle, otherwise I would be slightly annoyed. Mommy spent the day, cleaning carpets, cleaning house, caring for Asher and running up and down checking on Izzy. Note: It is nearly impossible to keep a 1 year old separate from his older brother who he adores. Double Note: Asher is like a NINJA, and has quiet cat-like movements. :) Triple Note: What is it about my kids when they are sick? I swear their faces are so cute and their eyes turn into a Disney character, huge, dark and twinkly. Helps you not to mind when they look up at you and tell you, "Sorry I puked on the carpets Mommy. Next time I will run faster."
Even in the midst of sickness and carpet cleaning, I go back to my original thought. My life is completely crazy right now, but I am so beyond blessed to have two boys to fill my heart and my calendar. Besides my hubby, there is no one I would rather spend my time with.
Izzy has his last couple weeks of school, and with that is lots of activities, a luncheon, his first field trip and lots of crying by Mommy. Asher is turning two next month, so I have been busy working on his birthday party and of course, I decided to make almost everything on my own, so my projects are piling up. I have been running ragged and trying to fit in as many activities, family time, and Mommy/son dates as I possibly can.
It is starting to all hit me. My sweet little Izzy is turning 5 in July and starting Kindergarten in the fall. These are my last days, for play dates and picnics, days at the park and mid-day runs for a treat. There is always a positive in everything, next year Asher and I will get lots of one on one time, but somehow, I am still sad.
Hubby tried to convince me that I do 1,000,000 more things with the boys than anyone he knows, and I am sure he is right. I can't help myself though. Just a few years ago, I didn't know if I would get to hold a baby of my own, and here I am blessed with these 2 little guys and I can just feel this special time just slipping through my fingers.
******Interrupt this post for a breaking update*********
Izzy just busted threw the door crying and complaining of a severe headache and within 2 minutes puked on his floor. Never a dull moment, eh? Please add, sick child to the list of items causing my head to spin. Turns out Mommy and Izzy probably racked up 1 minute of sleep through the night in between his constant updates. "Mom, you still in here? Cause I am still really sick." Asher woke up earlier than normal (of course he did) and while I was getting him settled I found out we were having company for the day. Family from out of town, perfect timing! Luckily, it was my favorite Aunt and Uncle, otherwise I would be slightly annoyed. Mommy spent the day, cleaning carpets, cleaning house, caring for Asher and running up and down checking on Izzy. Note: It is nearly impossible to keep a 1 year old separate from his older brother who he adores. Double Note: Asher is like a NINJA, and has quiet cat-like movements. :) Triple Note: What is it about my kids when they are sick? I swear their faces are so cute and their eyes turn into a Disney character, huge, dark and twinkly. Helps you not to mind when they look up at you and tell you, "Sorry I puked on the carpets Mommy. Next time I will run faster."
Even in the midst of sickness and carpet cleaning, I go back to my original thought. My life is completely crazy right now, but I am so beyond blessed to have two boys to fill my heart and my calendar. Besides my hubby, there is no one I would rather spend my time with.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Quick update!
I finally got a letter from the radiologist and got an all clear on my mammogram from last week. Relieved, but frustrated that there isn't an answer for the pain I am experiencing. Of course I didn't want to have a cyst or tumor, but I was hoping there would be some relief. Grateful for good news and a positive report, especially with the week I have had.
I have gotten bad news after bad news and my heart is heavy. I can't really go into either situation, but both regarding health and major set backs. A reminder to take good care of yourself and don't take your health for granted. I am very lucky to have been cleared, but I will be much more prompt in the future with any issues no matter how humiliating.
Thanks to all of my friends and family for checking up on me daily in the last couple of weeks and for all of the thoughts and prayers!
Monday, May 3, 2010
It's been a busy week.
Monday was full of play dates, chores and errands.
Tuesday was my very painful mammogram to which I am still awaiting results. The day turned around, when my sweet friend K had her new baby girl! Babies make everything better! That night I took Asher to the Spring Fling through my local PAT group and we had a fantastic little date. We crafted, played, read, snacked, and planted flowers. It was one of those nights you tuck away in your memory that I will pull back out when he is graduating High School. So sweet.
Wednesday I visited my friend K and her new baby for the entire morning. I cuddled and loved on the most beautiful baby girl and realized how big my babies have gotten. *Sigh* The rest of the day was full of shopping, errands and then a date night with Izzy. He is so fun and is always up for anything. He asked that we spend our night at the library. We picked out books, did puzzles and enjoyed a quiet night together. Then we went to the store to do a little party shopping.
Thursday was laundry and catch up day with more shopping in between and a night full of birthday invitation making.
Friday we had a family night. We took the boys to Red Robin and I would just like to take a minute to thank them for the complimentary baskets of fries pre-meal. What would we do without them? My boys did not make a peep the entire meal. It was wonderful. It would have been even better, had we not been seated next to a table with a three year old girl who screamed and wailed the entire meal. At least it wasn't my kid. We rented a movie, got yummy snacks, set up a tent and sleeping bags in the living room and made a night of it. It was so much fun and the boys can't wait to do it again. Next time I will know, that none of us will actually sleep in the tent, which is fine by me! Quality time with my boys and Hubby, and a good nights rest. Perfect.
Saturday we went to a Superhero party for our friend E. He turned 4 years old. I had the most fun getting my kids dressed up for the theme. Asher went as the incredible hulk and I almost died when he was all done. The cuteness was off the charts.
Izzy was adorable as superman with his cape that makes the real flying noises. He did however, notice how much attention Asher was getting from his sweet costume and asked that he get his hair sprayed black, because otherwise no one would know who he is
After a little pep talk, he was refocused and ready to party. Lots of fun! After the party, our good friends came back to our house to watch the Wizards game which was a great way to end the night. Relaxing with good friends.
Sunday was the craziest day for me. I have obviously wore myself ragged lately, I have memory loss and just don't feel like myself. I had severe jaw pain and a migraine so I stayed home from church and ended up taking a 5 hour nap! Holy Moly! I guess I needed it, because when I woke up I could have sworn it had only been 15 minutes. Thanks to my loving husband for making that possible!
Today, I accomplished so many things and I just feel back to myself. After dinner we were able to go to K's to visit her and the family. We have really missed their sweet family and you could tell the kids more than missed each other. They didn't even notice there was a new baby in the house...they were ready to play! I, of course, did notice the new baby, but waited patiently so Hubby could have first dibs. It melted me to see him with such a tiny baby again. Is there anything better than holding a newborn? Or the smell? To make my heart explode even more, her little girl B is talking and she would walk through the house saying "Ashy, Ashhhhy!" I can't even handle it. So much cute in one sitting.
Sorry this entry is so "listy" but, my life is so much right now. The month of May is trying to kill me by exhaustion and we are only in day 3. The rest of this week is going to be just as crazy.
In-laws visiting, late nights, school conferences, Sister-in-laws nursing school graduation (Yay you!), T-ball practice, birthday party...I'm sure there is more, but I have probably forgotten. :)
Monday was full of play dates, chores and errands.
Tuesday was my very painful mammogram to which I am still awaiting results. The day turned around, when my sweet friend K had her new baby girl! Babies make everything better! That night I took Asher to the Spring Fling through my local PAT group and we had a fantastic little date. We crafted, played, read, snacked, and planted flowers. It was one of those nights you tuck away in your memory that I will pull back out when he is graduating High School. So sweet.
Wednesday I visited my friend K and her new baby for the entire morning. I cuddled and loved on the most beautiful baby girl and realized how big my babies have gotten. *Sigh* The rest of the day was full of shopping, errands and then a date night with Izzy. He is so fun and is always up for anything. He asked that we spend our night at the library. We picked out books, did puzzles and enjoyed a quiet night together. Then we went to the store to do a little party shopping.
Thursday was laundry and catch up day with more shopping in between and a night full of birthday invitation making.
Friday we had a family night. We took the boys to Red Robin and I would just like to take a minute to thank them for the complimentary baskets of fries pre-meal. What would we do without them? My boys did not make a peep the entire meal. It was wonderful. It would have been even better, had we not been seated next to a table with a three year old girl who screamed and wailed the entire meal. At least it wasn't my kid. We rented a movie, got yummy snacks, set up a tent and sleeping bags in the living room and made a night of it. It was so much fun and the boys can't wait to do it again. Next time I will know, that none of us will actually sleep in the tent, which is fine by me! Quality time with my boys and Hubby, and a good nights rest. Perfect.
Saturday we went to a Superhero party for our friend E. He turned 4 years old. I had the most fun getting my kids dressed up for the theme. Asher went as the incredible hulk and I almost died when he was all done. The cuteness was off the charts.
Izzy was adorable as superman with his cape that makes the real flying noises. He did however, notice how much attention Asher was getting from his sweet costume and asked that he get his hair sprayed black, because otherwise no one would know who he is
After a little pep talk, he was refocused and ready to party. Lots of fun! After the party, our good friends came back to our house to watch the Wizards game which was a great way to end the night. Relaxing with good friends.
Sunday was the craziest day for me. I have obviously wore myself ragged lately, I have memory loss and just don't feel like myself. I had severe jaw pain and a migraine so I stayed home from church and ended up taking a 5 hour nap! Holy Moly! I guess I needed it, because when I woke up I could have sworn it had only been 15 minutes. Thanks to my loving husband for making that possible!
Today, I accomplished so many things and I just feel back to myself. After dinner we were able to go to K's to visit her and the family. We have really missed their sweet family and you could tell the kids more than missed each other. They didn't even notice there was a new baby in the house...they were ready to play! I, of course, did notice the new baby, but waited patiently so Hubby could have first dibs. It melted me to see him with such a tiny baby again. Is there anything better than holding a newborn? Or the smell? To make my heart explode even more, her little girl B is talking and she would walk through the house saying "Ashy, Ashhhhy!" I can't even handle it. So much cute in one sitting.
Sorry this entry is so "listy" but, my life is so much right now. The month of May is trying to kill me by exhaustion and we are only in day 3. The rest of this week is going to be just as crazy.
In-laws visiting, late nights, school conferences, Sister-in-laws nursing school graduation (Yay you!), T-ball practice, birthday party...I'm sure there is more, but I have probably forgotten. :)
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