Tuesday, November 16, 2010

There's a Party in his tummy...

There's a party in Ashers tummy, except it isn't much like the Gabba song. It is more like an out of control college party where the neighbors call the cops due to noise and everyone gets kicked out. Except instead of college kids getting kicked out, it was chocolate Carnation Instant breakfast drink. Yep, the party was shut down all over my bed this morning. It was exactly how you are picturing it, not pretty. Of course, I had just showered, dressed, curled my hair and completed my make-up when it happened. Either way, I hope his tummy has learned it's lesson and won't be pulling those shenanigans again because it could take days for that smell to leave my memory.

Even with all of that, I wanted you to know that I am sticking to my Daily List and being all efficient. It also helps that all of this just happened to fall on laundry day. Convenient.

I've also learned that I need to get different dry/erase markers because mine are too wide to write my menu items, so I settled for a washable crayola but, you/I get the point. Just need to add 12 extra pounds of laundry to the list, clorox wiping, 2nd shower-dress-hair-makeup, 2nd bath and dress for Asher,and take out play time and insert lots of snuggles. Oh, and I have to clean the basement because my Dad is having band practice at the house (bad timing). But, for an efficiency win, I have dinner made and in the crock pot, crocking away!

Here is my little lovey, sick sick sick, but even still his quest for knowledge doesn't end. Sitting quietly learning his letters and enjoying a little Max & Ruby on the side. His clean jammies say "Loveable" on them and that is the truth. He is my Lovey. So sweet, and huggable. Makes all those extra things I added onto my list today so easy to forget.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Christmas Wish Lists

Translation & links:
1. R/C 4-Wheeler (similar to this)
2. BMX bikes great for playing on the tech deck ramps!
3. Wipeout is Izzy's #2 show. Should bring the giggles.
4. Nerf Lazer tag. Mommy likes this idea because I don't have to search for bullets!
5. Playmobil gym set found here. He would also like the school, if we feel like spending $100.00

Translation & links:
1. Imaginext make everything my kids want. Find their latest must have here.
2. BMX bikes same as Izzy's request. They love those things!
3. Flashcards. He especially loves these.
4. Trains. He will take any kind, he is slightly obsessed! Choo Choo!
5. Puzzles, same as train. He loves anything that takes focus. Simple kid, I love him.

I was hoping Izzy would write out his list for the first time this year. That didn't work out so well. While he enjoys writing, he is only in Kindergarten and their writing skills are only a couple of words at a time. You would of thought I was asking him to write a novel and he was complaining of hand cramps and finally I gave in and wrote it for him. Maybe next year! Still, cute and funny to see how after a day at Toys R Us, what items really stuck out in their minds. Also, happy to see that the little things make them happy.

Quiet Weekend * Updated*

This may have been the quietest weekend I have ever had. Friday I was still feeling pretty yucky. I finally made it to naptime, shut the door to Ashers room when I got the call from Izzy's school saying that I needed to pick him up. 101+ fever and a horrible headache, poor guy. My dream of a sweet nap faded away and the realistic ideas flooded in of taking care of another sicky all weekend. Hrmph.

Those selfish thoughts quickly faded when I saw my sick little one. His face was flushed and his eyes were weepy. I practically had to carry him to the car because the weight of his own body seemed too much for him. He went straight to bed and slept for 4 hours. All of those selfish thoughts for nothing...I got a nap after all.

We spent the next two days in our pj's doing crafts, having nerf gun fights, watching movies, making yummy snacks, making our Christmas wish lists and napping when needed. I had plenty of time to prepare for the week and the house (maybe for the first time ever) was clean when I woke up on a Monday morning! *cue Angels rejoicing*

Asher decided to take what seemed to be a sinus headache for Izzy and turn it into a full blown cold for himself because now my little lovey has quite the cough and warm to touch. I am so over the cold/flu season already.

Today is going to be another quiet day for me so I have decided that since I will be home anyway I should take full advantage of the time and get myself organized. I like to think of myself as a pretty organized lady. My kids are scheduled like they are in an Army bootcamp and my days run pretty smoothly. My closets have a spot for everything. I have a label maker and I am not afraid to use it. There does, however, always seem to be one cleaning project that is just out of my reach on a daily basis and no matter how much I have accomplished, it leaves me feeling a sense of failure for the day.

Then I came across a cleaning spreadsheet that you can view here.
Brilliant! Now, I do have my cleaning routine in my head, but I am a total list person. If I write down a list of 40 things to get done in a day, I can cross that stuff off like nothing. I have certain days that are more heavy cleaning than others, like for instance, Tuesdays, which is when I start my laundry. I start my laundry at 7:30 a.m. and normally by Wednesday night everything is folded and I start putting everything away. I know in my head I am normally home on Tuesdays and I arrange playdates and errands for other days. My idea is to print of my cleaning schedule and put it in one of those plastic slips and put it in a clip board to hang in my laundry room. Add a dry/erase marker and each day I can cross of my list as I go making my time as efficient as possible and hopefully adding much more quality time with my sweet boys.

This whole idea gave me flashbacks to my childhood, because growing up each Saturday my Dad would write a list of To-Do's on a yellow legal pad and he would work on that list for the weekend. His favorite quote when we were little was "If you fail to plan, plan to fail."

My goal today is to print of my personal cleaning list and start my week off right with planning that hopefully ends up with a lot accomplished! I can't wait to see the look on Dad's face when he sees my clipboard! All of those inspirational quotes worked, Dad! :)

So my link didn't work, and that is okay because Hubby challenged me to make my own spreadsheet and make it more personalized to how I would use it. So I did. I am super excited. I just have to find a clipboard and I am ready to go.
Here is my list hanging up and ready for me to start crossing off items! I have it in a plastic sleeve and that way I can write in my menu and grocery items each week! Fabulous! And below the list is a closer shot of the first column.

Yay for organizing! Feeling much less overwhelmed already.

Friday, November 12, 2010


Sorry for the absence. You probably think I have nothing to blog about, but it is quite the opposite. I have TONS of blogging stories, and yet I haven't had a moment to sit by myself to get them out of my head. Then Wednesday night, it was like a storm exploded in my head. Suddenly, right at dinner time I could barely open my eyes, the light, the noises everything made me feel like I was going to melt into the floor. Migraine. UGH!
A couple of days later, and while my head is slightly less dramatic, I feel puny. I think I can blame this on a sinus infection. Major annoying and energy zapping.

I hate being sick, but I especially hate being sick on the weekends. I like to go. I like to have plans. But, this time, this weekend I am so tired and drained that a rainy weekend in bed sounds wonderful to me. Just hoping that my kiddos are understanding that a couple more days of quiet play are needed and I am also hoping my creative juices kick in to provide them with ideas. This weekend also happens to be Daddy's study weekend so he needs quiet too.

Right now, Asher and I are snuggled warm in our pj's and enjoying a Toy Story marathon. The original TS should take us right to lunch time and then nap where I can muster the energy to pick up Izzy from school and pray that 7:00 comes quickly.

I love Fall, but I hate the yucky colds and flu's it brings with it.
