This digital cutting machine has completely changed my life. I told my Hubby that in a dream world I would love to own one, and like always, he makes all my dreams come true. (please stop's Valentines weekend.) Anyway...he wasn't sure what I was talking about and I wasn't sure he was even listening, but completely fitting his personality he not only listened, but decided to do some research and totally hook me up for my birthday! It has been a busy couple of days and tonight I finally got a couple of hours to get it set up and play around a bit. It was love at first sight.
Confession time: After cutting my first image, my Hubby walked in to check on me and I looked at him to show him how fantastic it is, and I did shed a few tears. True. Story. I know go ahead and laugh, but have you ever wanted something, never imagined you would get it, and then in a twist, actually get it and it is 1,000,000x better than you could have ever thought??? This is like that. Tears were totally warranted.
So, what did I make? Oh just a little gift for a sweet little girl who happens to be Ashers BFF, named Bella. (K- I know you are totally going to read this before Monday, so just pretend you didn't see this. Also, feel free to act completely shocked at my crafting abilities.)

The pic was taken with my phone so it is a little washed out, but it is super bright and colorful in person and totally adorable! Pretty much the possibilities are endless.
I am super excited about all of this for multiple reasons, but one is for a new group of friends I met through church who all love to craft. We meet once a month at a local shop, bring our projects and work and chit-chat all night. It is super fun and relaxing. This is going to be so nice for those times not to mention all that I can do on my own for my boys projects and parties!
It's official, I have a hobby. It has been a long time since I could say that, feels good. Paper beware...I'm on a rampage!