Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Hello Stranger!

Oops, I did it again.

I went on an unplanned blogging sabbatical. I didn't mean to, it's just that my life is insane busy right now, and I'm so sad, because I have JEWELS of kid comedy I should have been sharing. Forgive?

Before my eyes, my kids are growing leaps and bounds. Literally. Izzy is still growing like he is going to be Andre the Giant and Asher is 3 and yet, I can hardly tell their clothes apart anymore. Sads.

Izzy learned how to ride his bike without training wheels! I was also reminded that Grandparents and Parents want to teach completely differently.  I wanted the achievement to be incentive enough, so I reminded him of a few of his friends who can also ride without training wheels, and in the midst of my speech, my Dad yells out, "I will buy you a Happy Meal right now if you can make it half a block." Well, okay then. He got his Happy Meal.

My little Asher is a squirrel. In the last couple of months, I have noticed that important items have gone missing. I knew the culprit, but I didn't have a clue where he would take them. We were missing DS games, Gameboy charger, DS stylus, StarWars characters, and a Leapster. That is a lot of things to go missing in a short time and I was literally at a loss. I keep their rooms tidy and organized and I never came across any of this stuff. Do you know me? I am a mess when a puzzle is missing one piece. I feel like just chucking it into the trash instead of searching all over. I hate missing things. Today Asher and I did a little spring cleaning. I found all the missing things. ALL THE MISSING THINGS! I was literally crazy happy and so was Ash. But, here is what I found, DS games stuffed inside shoes and hidden behind furniture. Star Wars characters stuffed inside cars too small and hidden in random cabinets.  Gameboy chargers wrapped around GI Joe guys hidden in a bag and then stuffed behind more furniture and last but not least, the Leapster pushed all the way behind their closet organizer with baby wipes in front to hide it. What the what? Why is he doing this? He is so imaginative and can take a stick, a pencil and a post it note and make a game of it. He is fantastic that way, so I know him well enough to see how his brain was like "Clearly, I need that Gameboy charger cord to wrap up the bad guys, and then I better hide them away because they are in jail." Problem, he immediately moves on and has no recollection of what he did with anything. I am surprised he has had shoes for the last 2 months, because I found 8, eight, EIGHT pairs of shoes that had been lost, all because he had been playing with them as something other than shoes and hid them. Oh. My. My son is a squirrel.

Izzy is my sweetheart. He is a big ball of love and affection. He leaves me love notes when I am gone for 2 minutes. He paints me pictures and makes me gifts out of things in his room. Tonight, I got my hair done and he said, "Mom I can't tell about your hair, but you are beautiful."  He is going to make a super great husband some day.

In other news, I am the new PTA secretary for Izzy's school for next year! I haven't ever done anything like this, but I am so excited to be involved on a deeper level and hopefully make a difference in his school. 

I still have an AMAZING hubby. He surprised me with killer seats to our local soccer teams home opener, took me to a movie and arranged for the kids to sleep over at their Uncles. Last week, I almost died. I had a horrible, disgusting, stomach flu that robs you of all dignity and fluids. I became dehydrated in under 2 hours to the point of losing all hand /foot control and lost feeling in my extremities. My hubby had the day off, and took care of the kids, did all of the laundry, cleaned the house, cooked meals, went shopping for me, and helped me every single 3 minutes to make it to the toilet and not long after was carrying me back and forth because I couldn't do it on my own.  He is going to be the best Doctor! I haven't felt so loved in our whole marriage. When someone will carry you to the toilet, and not huff or puff a single time when you need them on a 2-3 minute basis while they are taking care of everything and a 3 year old and a 6 year old, that is LOVE! Looooooooove that man! 

Thankful to be alive and healthy, with funny kids who keep me on my toes and a Hubby who loves me at my worst.