Today was a great day. I have 2 healthy, happy boys. There was no fighting, time-outs, emotional breakdowns, tantrums or pouting. My kind of day.
Asher is still on a high from the simple fact he can walk about 10 steps without falling. No toys are needed for his entertainment today. His legs are all that he needs.
Izzy melted my heart once again, by simply being so overly proud of himself (See picture). Hubby and I implemented a chart system from, when he turned 2 years old. The chart is from 1-10 and it looks like a treasure map with a pirate ship as #10. As Izzy does nice things, he gets to move his pirate a space. When he gets to the pirate ship, he is rewarded with something small..but something he really loves and wouldn't get otherwise. Lately, his treat of choice has been an Icee from QT. Hubby and I were at the Plaza this weekend shopping and came across a super cool Playmobile Pirate Set and knew how much Izzy would love it. We decided that he had to earn it. Izzy loves to move his pirate and when he sees an opportunity, he jumps on it. Over the last 3 days, he has really been working hard to move that pirate! Cleaning his room, helping baby brother, clearing his dishes, being a good boy at school and today for the win..he brought his laundry basket to the laundry room and put all of his clothes in the washer without being asked! Let us review. Izzy is 4 years old and is more helpful than some husbands I know. That's right, I said it.
I love this chart. It really helps Izzy understand he doesn't just "get" things, he has to earn them. It also shows him how simply and quickly he gets a reward just for helping others and being kind. Win/Win. I have 2 very proud boys today. One has legs and he knows how to use them. One knows that for a little work, there is big reward.
Currently, I am listening to a very happy 4 year old play soccer with his Daddy in the backyard. I really need to start dinner, but I think I will take a minute or two and enjoy the laughter.
Today has been a terrific day.
that's a really neat chart system... i may have to "borrow" it for E. K is naturally well behaved, but i think that E is going to need a little more structure, since she's so outspoken and strong willed. terrific days with the kids are the best. :)