Today was Izzy's Cowboy Day at school. Everyone dressed as Cowboys or Cowgirls and they made crafts and had special treats for their Fall Party. Izzy had a blast and loved the theme.
Being a Cowboy is very tiring though and shortly after coming home for the day, he was ready for nap. When he woke up, he put his Cowboy gear back on and said "I LOVE being a Cowboy Mommy!" I told him he was the cutest Cowboy I had ever seen. Look at that picture...how can you resist?
Then came Izzy's quote of the day...
Pointing to his toy gun, he says, " Mommy is this a real gun?" Me-"No, Izzy it is just for pretend." Pointing to his holster, he says, " Mommy is this a real cup holder?" Me- Laughing hysterically, "No, it isn't a cup holder it is a holster for your gun and yes it is real."
Izzy- "Wow Mommy, I can't believe I have a fake gun and a real cup holder. This is the best day ever!"
$2 spent at the Dollar Store is what made this kids entire day. If only everyone was that easy!
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