Today marks the first day of Hubby's second semester of Medical School. Last semester was challenging to say the least. It took a little while to find our rhythm and feel on top of things instead of drowning in the unknown. The workload is unimaginable. One of his friends put it best when she said Medical School is like drinking from a fire hose. I am sure that is exactly how it feels. Although, I don't have the constant studying and stress, my role changed last semester as well. I felt like a single mother at various times and had conversations with Izzy that were much better suited for a Daddy and son.
We lived for winter break and couldn't wait to spend real quality time together and as a family without the looming tests and deadlines. Hubby got to spend some much needed guy time with his buddies, we were lucky enough to get several dates in and had special time with lots of our friends. My ribs are still sore from all of the laughter we have had and I can't tell you how refreshing something as simple as laughter is. It felt good to be normal again. My only complaint is that it went too quickly.
Winter break was exactly what our boys needed as well. Izzy had been having a rough go of it in November and I guess all he needed was his Daddy. As soon as he had some time he transformed into the old sweet Izzy we love so dearly. Asher had become quite the Mommy's boy until break and now I can barely get that kid to acknowledge my existence! I gladly give it up though, because I know how much it meant to Marcus to get all the loving and snuggles in the last couple of weeks.
Izzy goes back to school tomorrow and that makes me a little sad as well. I have thoroughly enjoyed having him home all day everyday. He has been so kind and helpful and it goes without saying that Asher is going to miss his buddy when school starts back up. Today while the boys were in the bath, Izzy said, "Mama, I love my Ash. He is my best friend. I don't even need nobody else to play with because I love him so much." *heart melt* I know if Asher could talk he would return the love.
Right now, Asher has just woken from his slumber and is sweetly calling out for his Daddy to save him. I know Daddy wishes he could get him up from nap everyday, but hopefully it will make his day that his little guy was calling for him.
As winter break draws to an end, I have reflected on this fabulous quality time and decided that I need to do whatever it takes to keep this going no matter the sacrifice on my part. I am willing to sacrifice my time here and away to keep the closeness we have felt these past weeks going. Med school can really suck your life away and I am determined to enjoy life as we get through each section. I feel much more confident as a mother going into this next semester, I know I can handle everything on my own. This time, I am going to do so with more patience and a lot more smiles.
I have got the time management, the confidence and a more positive outlook on the days to come. Now if it could just stop snowing for like 5 seconds so that I could actually leave my house to resume my normal activities that would be great!
Wishing you all a very happy and blessed 2010!!!
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