Thursday, January 7, 2010

Cabin Fever

We have officially been snowed in for 6 days. That is almost a week. I don't plan on getting out tomorrow as the high for the day is 1. ONE!!!! In other words they should just tell you if you open your front door at all, you will have frost bite. At 9 am, it is supposed to feel like -24. Ironically, my parents got us a very expensive electric blanket for a Christmas present. We have never needed such a thing, so we returned it for a new King size sheet set...they are lovely by the way. Wouldn't you know, one week later, this would happen. I feel like I need to befriend an Eskimo.

My kids have been great this week, but I can tell we are getting a touch of the Cabin Fever. Asher has taken up learning new dances to keep himself entertained. Tonight while we were cooking dinner, he decided (totally randomly I might add), to learn the Moonwalk. He did this for about 20 minutes straight. Of course, an older brother can not be out done, so then Izzy had to show us that he could do the moonwalk too, and much faster. Then how high he could jump, fast he could spin and so on, and so on.

The Christmas toys are losing their excitement. The basement is too freezing cold to enjoy. It looks like tomorrow, Mommy is going to have to get creative. I would hate for Asher to have to learn to drop it like it's hot just to chase the boredom away. :)

1 comment:

  1. every night when i crawl into my freezing sheets i wish i had an electric blanket to warm them up beforehand. i think i'm gonna make J take us to the grocery store today just to get out... i'm not feeling brave enough to take the kids to the Y yet!
