Monday, January 11, 2010

Monday in review

Morning started out quiet and peaceful. Izzy came up at 7:15 to get ready for his first day back at school. We had a great time talking and and enjoying some quiet time together. When I dropped him off at school this morning, we got a little surprise. A giant turkey had was walking back and forth in the circle drive and refused to allow a car or bus in or out. Izzy was delighted to see him up close and thought it was hysterical that all of the parents were blasting their horns and revving their engines at the bird. Izzy decided his name was Tom and he thought Tom came to celebrate his first day back to school.

When Asher and I returned home, there was a weird feeling like what do we do now? Before winter break, Asher took a nap during Izzy's school time and I finished my chores. I have decided to cut the morning nap and they both take an afternoon nap at the same time, which left our morning wide open. One problem. Asher didn't seem satisfied that his buddy wasn't home and apparently I don't know how to play anything the right way. He was quiet and a little sad all morning. Both Daddy and Izzy are back to their routine and he was missing them badly. I tried to perk him up by playing the piano with him and singing and chased him around a bit. In the end, he just walked quietly to his room, dumped a basket of toys and kept to himself. It made me a little sad that I couldn't make him happy, but I am hoping as we readjust to the new routine, we can enjoy our special time a little more. When it was time to get Izzy I barely got out the entire sentence: "Asher it is time to pick up you want to go bye-bye?" I think I got to the word time and he was already opening the door. I think it is more than obvious he missed his brother today.

Izzy was thrilled to come home and was talking a mile-a-minute. The two of them ran off and locked themselves away to play until lunch time. I couldn't make lunch fast enough and Asher came in to get a snack. He normally will eat anything offered, so I laid a Sun Chip down on his table and he gave me a dirty look and opened his hand wide and smashed it into 20 pieces like he just killed the biggest spider known to man!! I gave him a "Mama don't play that" look and he wiped his hand and ran off to Izzy crying. I think I made my point. That soon became the theme of our day as Asher didn't take a nap because he couldn't stop POOPING!!! Are my babies the only ones that seem to only poop when it is time to sleep? Not sure if he has an upset stomach but he is exceptionally regular this week. Come to think of it, I think this is a consequence of the ginormous amounts of buffet food he had yesterday. So really, I did this to myself. Either way, he was too busy pooping to nap. No nap Asher=Very grumpy Asher. The afternoon moved from background noise of whining to all out squeals because Izzy was sitting to close to me or I picked the wrong book to read or HELLO don't even think about crossing your legs. I don't know the kid is random. Izzy at one point got a book to the head and that put Asher in one of his first real time outs. He sat there but did give us a dirty look for one minute. He gave Izzy a big kiss sorry, but furrowed his brow afterwards and babbled as if to say, "Come on Izzy, don't be a traitor!"

Soon after Daddy and Papa came home for the night and I was able to say the words I normally dread, but today they gave me escape from whining...time for Mommy to make dinner!

Asher went to bed early and Izzy and I got to have some play time. He wanted to play Castle. It is by Playmobil and it has 100 pieces, but it is seriously so fun. It is a riot to hear how Izzy's mind works and his imagination is endless! First he wanted me to be the bad guys, so I threw flames from my trebuchet and broke down his castle walls. I tried to steal his treasure and just as I was about to be victorious he took away all of my weapons and sat my guys down and said, "Ok, that is enough. Now our guys are going to be friends ok?" Me: "Um, ok? So what do we do now?" Izzy: "Well, friends play games. What kind of games would you knights like to play? At our castle we have Monopoly and Connect 4. Which is your favorite?" Me: "Hmmm. Wow. This has taken a turn. I guess Connect 4?" He used the treasure chest as the table and pretended to take turns playing the game. Then he said, "See knights, it is great being friends. Sharing is fun."

That pretty much sums Izzy up in a nutshell. He is a lover not a fighter, even in imaginary play. :)

For every cause for patience there was something funny and sweet to fill my day. I am exhausted, but looking forward to a new day with our new routine and hopefully a lot more smiles.

1 comment:

  1. Too busy pooping for napping... hahaha. Isn't it the truth, though? There's always something to deter from the nap, biological or otherwise. Today, Grace would not fall asleep. I wish I knew how to ensure naptime for a 5-year old. She's so grumpy without it.
