Saturday, February 20, 2010


Every time I go into the attic, it only means one thing. My babies are growing up. Today, I spent my morning organizing clothes, packing away things that have been outgrown and restocking Ashers closet with Izzy's 24 months and 2T sized clothes. I can't believe that my little lovey is growing so fast. It feels like Izzy just wore these clothes and now that kid is in a size 6/7 and there is no "T" to follow that. *sadface*

Ash had a blast looking through the mountain of new clothes and shoes. He wanted to try on every pair of shoes and do a test walk. Then he found them...Izzy's first pair of Thomas the Train underwear. My mom had bought them, thinking Izzy would potty train early, and we realized really quickly that wasn't going to happen. He would just wear them for a few minutes or on top of his diaper and he thought he was hot stuff. Asher came across them, immediately started to put his legs in and then grunted for help. Then he walked around the house like a man. He proudly went upstairs to show Daddy and hunted around until he found Izzy. Izzy was so proud of him and said, "Hey Asher, you are wearing underwears like me! Wanna see mine?" So they went back and forth showing off their underwear. I guess this is what boys do. Who knows?

We have officially gotten to the point in Ashers life, where he can roam around without being gated, he can crawl up the stairs safely, he can eat foods without being cut up into microscopic sized bites, he uses silverware, he tries to dress himself (unsuccessfully), he literally mimics everything he sees, and he has to watch a movie to drive 3 blocks. My baby is a toddler. I love this stage so much, but I know how quickly it passes. Every minute of my day with him is so much fun. The other morning, while Izzy was at school, he spent the whole 3 hours trying to do a somersault. I tried to help him and it turned into a wrestling match. He would wait until I wasn't fully paying attention and hurl himself over my back and giggle until he couldn't breathe.

He is so smart, but still refuses to talk. He understands multi-step directions and follows them. He can clean up a mess and put things in the right spot. He will put his dishes in the sink when he is done eating. (so cute, because he has to stand on his tip toes and push it in) He has watched Izzy empty all of the trash cans into the garage trash and now you will randomly see him collecting the trash bins and putting them by the garage door. He is picking up some great habits, and just like Izzy loves to help. One thing that is not like Izzy, he does not like being little. Izzy treasured being a baby and I loved it. He felt like he grew up so much slower than Asher. Maybe it is having an older sibling to watch, but everything minus language has come so quickly. I wish I could stop time right now because we are just having too much fun with him.

Finally, the day came this week, when he couldn't find me and he walked through the house saying, "Mama! Mama!" I had a few tears, I won't lie.

There are so many reasons I am looking forward to spring and summer, but the biggest one is thinking of all of the things Asher is going to be able to do this year. Swim in the pool like a big boy, ride around in their Cadillac Escalade, play soccer with Izzy, ride a tricycle, run and run and run! We are going to have so much fun and I can't wait to take advantage of every single day in the sun! I have never lusted after a summer like I am right now. For now, I will just wash all of the summer clothes I got out for Asher, because as I speak, there is another dumping of snow outside.

All day, I have felt a little out of sorts. Going through the clothes, realizing how fast time is passing and then the constant snow fall has made me a little quiet today.

Something that did cheer me up, our 5's from bedtime. One of Izzy's 5's to me was: "I love you because you make the best quesadillas ever!"

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