Monday, February 15, 2010


When my kids get annoyed and frustrated, I tell them "don't get all Huffy Puffy, take a breath." Well I should take my own advice much more throughout the day. Today for instance, I was standing at the kitchen sink and heard myself sigh an enormous sigh. Why? Something as simple as finding dishes on both sides of the sink. Ugh that totally annoys me. If dirty dishes are on the garbage disposal side, how are you supposed to drain or dispose of things? Which got me thinking...I bet there are a thousand little things that make me huffy and maybe, if I wrote them out every once and a while, it would be cathartic, like I am actually telling someone without nagging the person who actually does these things that causes me to sigh and eye roll a hundred times a day. This blog thing is really coming in handy! Feel free to laugh or comment at my insane annoyances.

1. Why does everyone ask me if the dishes in the dishwasher are clean or dirty without even looking inside? This happens at least 5 times a day.

2. Why is it that my little lovey will watch me clean his entire room and wait patiently until I am arranging that very last book on his bookshelf and then just as I leave his room dump a box of blocks and pull every single last book off of the shelf?

3. Why does Izzy have to repeat every last step of our day 198 times over? "So Mom, we are going to have breakfast, then wash our hands, go potty, get our coats and then get into the car? Right Mom? Mama...mama..MOOOOOM! Am I right? Me: "Yes Izzy. We do the same thing every SINGLE DAY!!!!" (SIGH)

4. Why am I the only one who answers the house phone?

5. Why do people ring my doorbell when my kids are in nap and I just told you that on the phone?

6. On the same note, why do the UPS/FedEx guys always come during nap time?

7. Why do I have a neighbor who walks her giant dog at the exact same time I leave to pick up Izzy from school and it never fails that I almost run over both neighbor and dog due to the positioning of our driveway. One of us should really get the hint and change our schedule by 2 minutes.

8. Why is it I have to tell Izzy everything is chicken for him to eat it, when clearly it is not? So much effort.

9. Why does Izzy have a stuffed animal hoarding issue? I literally sigh every time I walk into his bedroom, because I have the compulsive need to arrange 1,495 animals that in 4 seconds will be hit by the hurricane named Asher and his need to leave things in a more "natural" state.

10. Why do I let my phone almost die before putting it on the charger?

11. Why does Hubby respond with "huh?" before actually processing what I have said?

12. Why is Izzy picking up bad habit #11?

13. Why am I the only one who knows the value of a bib? I can't even count how many shirts I have thrown away.

14. Why is it that we have the mail man from Funny Farm? It is practically midnight before he delivers our mail. If it is raining, you can be sure they left both sides of the mail box open to ensure mail flooding.

15. And last but not least, Why do I take the time to organize the fridge? I line everything up perfectly, organize by department and wipe everything down. One meal later, and it looks like a college dorm fridge.

I think it really worked. I feel a little better. Now go ahead and tell me if you think I am completely wasting an eye roll or if you "get me".


  1. I totally get you but you forgot to mention......when the sink is completely empty not bending over to put one fork and one plate in the dishwasher, not replacing the toilet paper roll, not carrying the trash bag out on your way out, not refilling the water purifier, not feeding the dogs or letting them out, not putting away the clothes you just took off your body or taking items off as you walk through the house and leaving a trail, oh and one more.....using the towel rack as a hat/belt rack.

    I totally get you and I feel so much better now. ahhhhh

  2. LOL! Well, I am thinking this post might become a weekly thing. My new free therapy. Next weeks might also include the fact that Izzy seems to be allergic to flushing the toilet. I love surprises, just not that kind. :)
