Thursday, July 22, 2010


I have one of those headaches from anxiety due to taking two children to the doctors office and knowing that I will have to wait like 14 hours to get back into a hot, stuffy room. Then I get to answer 1,000 questions and then repeat the same thing when the Dr. finally comes back. Today, Izzy gets his Kindergarten vaccinations. He said he will just want me to hold his hand if he gets a shot. I didn't have the heart to tell him ahead of time, I just said it was a possibility. ???Lying??? Oh well, I took one for the mental support of the team. Of course, they need me to come in a full 30 minutes ahead of time to fill out paperwork. This annoys me because we all know I could fill that out while waiting in either the waiting room or the hot, stuffy exam room.

Hubby is in Med school and I think that every once and a while, I am going to make him take the kiddos in so he can always remember how traumatic it can be, stuck waiting forever in a room full of sickies, when you have two healthy kids. I am going to put Asher in the stroller and feed him yummy snacks to keep him happy. That is one less kid I have to worry about touching things. Yuck. Izzy, I am just praying for the best. Hoping he takes the shots well, isn't scared and doesn't start the ugly cry because within seconds Asher will follow. Today is definitely a QT drink day and then nap. I am exhausted already just thinking about it!

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