Monday, August 23, 2010


Tonight I write with a heavy heart. Seems like a lot of people I dearly love are struggling with things of such difficulty and pain, and beyond prayer I feel helpless.

One instance, has left me totally speechless. This weekend, I found out a couple that I have known since I was tiny was in a horrible car accident on Saturday morning. The husband passed away at the scene and the wife will be in the ICU for days. This couple has ministered across the country and lived a life of integrity. They were hit by a tanker truck on the drivers side and the car is unrecognizable. I saw a picture tonight and almost threw up. The accident was so horrific and by the grace of God, the wife survived. The funeral will be held in a couple of weeks, when she is released and sent back home from the out of state hospital of which she is currently receiving care. My family is devastated and I can't even fathom how she or their children are handling the situation. My heart aches for this family and we are all left not knowing how to help, except to pray.

Without even giving much thought, I can name 7 families that are struggling with some major events. And in all of the situations, I can listen and pray and hopefully provide some comfort in words, but in comparison to what is going on, that feels like nothing.

I have been on the other side. I know the pain of death. I know the struggle of heart wrenching decisions. I know how valuable a listening ear can be and the thought of strangers lifting you up in prayer. Unfortunately, being one praying for someone you love who is hurting so very badly, it just never feels like I can say enough of the right words, or pray for enough comfort. I hate seeing people hurting and I wish I always knew the right things to say and do.

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