Monday, September 13, 2010


If you know me at all, I don't handle chaos well. At all. My mind is spinning, and I don't think I can blame it all on the pain killers. Just over a week ago, I was in a horrible car accident with my little lovey. My body is still healing. Which reminds me, I never told you they finally figured out I have a broken rib. OUCCCCCCH! I hurt everywhere from my hip bones up. Shoulders and rib being the worst. Asher is healing well, still bruised, but doing well. Over the next few weeks, I am not allowed to clean, cook, lift, or over exert myself in anyway. Now...all you tired Mommies are yelling "Jealous!" right now, but believe me...don't be. When you finally get the okay to NOT clean, cook, change diapers, and yet get the okay to "nap as needed" it isn't as great as you think. Maybe it is all the pain that is detouring my dream...yep that's it.

I drove for the first time out of my neighborhood this weekend and it was so scary. Scary like you are taking your first drivers test and there is a fat, stinky, DMV guy sitting next to you just waiting to check off some boxes on his sheet. I drove so cautiously (word?) it took twice as long to arrive at my destination as usual. The driving also made my shoulder and ribs very I am going to stick close to home for a couple of weeks for sure.

Back to the chaos...Insurance. Medical bills. Rentals. Loaner cars. New car shopping. New car purchasing. Settlement checks. Banks. Hubby's dumb car. School meetings. PAIN. 1,000,000 papers to keep track of. Too many phone calls with Insurance people. Court dates. Blah.
I'm sure there is more, but I'm too overwhelmed to think. It is really difficult to heal, when you have to deal with all of that stuff. I don't get stressed often, when you have been through what I have, you learn it all works out in the end. This time, however, I feel the stress creeping its way into my head and working itself into my neck...and it hurts.

Big week ahead. We should have the settlement check in and a new car by mid-week. That will be a huge weight lifted when that process is all complete.

In other, nicer news....

I woke up to a bouquet of BEAutiful flowers yesterday from my sweet hubby. That always makes everything so much better.

Izzy and I are in full school mode and we have our morning schedule down to a science. It is lovely, he even has an extra 25 minutes to play computer games or watch a show before school. He has grown up so much this summer. Now, I can set out his clothes and he gets himself fully dressed, and washed up (minus hair) and is sitting at the kitchen table ready to eat many times before I have even made it down to fix his food. Once his food is ready, I make sure his backpack is complete and then set the timer. When he hears the beep, he knows it is time to brush his teeth and potty before we leave. I was so worried school mornings would be just a rush, and constant nagging, but it has turned out to be just the opposite thanks to my little guy. Such a great helper.

Nicest of all...

I have WONDERFUL, THOUGHTFUL, and LOVING Friends and family!

Can't say thank you enough to all of the offers of help, and dinners, and babysitting, visits, calls, cards, and emails.


1 comment:

  1. So glad that you are feeling better. I'll be praying for you. Rest and get well soon!
