Everyone knows I love to organize. It clears my mind and gives me a feeling of accomplishment all while making my husband a very happy guy. It's a win/win. There is one area that has eluded me for the past two years. It is the equivalent of my junk drawer. You know the drawer everyone has, you never know exactly what it contains, but if you are missing something it is the first place you look. My master closet is like a big junk drawer, yes it is true, as ashamed as I am to admit it.
The core issue is that it isn't just my master closet, it is like a multi-purpose room. Living with my parents, we only have our bedrooms and our closets as storage. Remember in that post on downsizing where I listed the stuff we did keep? Well, if it isn't the boys stuff, guess where I have to fit it...that's right in my room. My room is the catch all room. It is our living room, office, and if you ask the kids-their playroom (ugh). Imagine how difficult it is to keep this space our sanctuary, when I have to store everything we own in this space. It is not about flow, or decorative appeal but, merely function. This has left me feeling overwhelmed and honestly, my room/closet has always been the last on the priority list.
Blame it on the new year, but enough is enough. My boys rooms are spotless and organized. I love being in their rooms. I am ready to enjoy my space and tonight was the night to do it.
Only because I know you will love me in spite of what I am about to show you....

- Tub of misc. items that used to be in a linen closet
- Enough toilet paper for me to be on the Extreme Couponing show on TLC.

It is amazing the things you find while crazily organizing while the Hubby is away. Take this for instance:
Butterfly Hubby caught for me during the Coldplay concert we went to, as his birthday present!
Or this:
The sweetest love letter written in song lyrics telling me he was surprising me with John Mayer tickets for Christmas!

Part of organizing is putting like items together. I started with my jewelry box and quickly realized someone has a slight problem...
More in the safe... all but one, purchased by his beautiful wife. :) And then there is the really BIG problem....... 
Except, that isn't all. I counted 28. TWENTY-EIGHT pairs of shoes. I had to give him the top shelf which is long, as you can see by these pictures, plus the two racks under his side, but still that wasn't enough so I had to then create a third row by simply stacking them on top of other shoes. Someone needs to read my downsizing post.... (I'm looking at you Hubby)
Then I cleaned up the cleaning shelf.
And started putting things back where they belong.
And of course I broke out my label maker, "Mabel." :)
And the shelves are now organized with purpose and they know their names.
I have to just add this, because every single time I go into my closet to get something as soon as I see this white coat, I smile and think of our future. :)
I wish I could get a full view of the closet in one shot, but that is pretty much impossible. You saw how our closet is divided in half and out of my half, I filled a large garage size trash bag of clothes and shoes to donate. After coming home and seeing my work, it has inspired Hubby to do the same. He has also requested I come up with a better way to hang his scrubs. He was very impressed and super happy to see that I had used Mabel. My plan is to finish up tomorrow by going through the rest of my drawers, cleaning out a bookshelf in our room and then dropping off all of our items at the donation centers.
Hubby did ask, "How long do you think it will stay this way?" I gave him a stern look and said, "Forever. Because I LABELED."
So, show me your "Junk Drawer", I dare ya!
Happy Organizing!

I wish I could get a full view of the closet in one shot, but that is pretty much impossible. You saw how our closet is divided in half and out of my half, I filled a large garage size trash bag of clothes and shoes to donate. After coming home and seeing my work, it has inspired Hubby to do the same. He has also requested I come up with a better way to hang his scrubs. He was very impressed and super happy to see that I had used Mabel. My plan is to finish up tomorrow by going through the rest of my drawers, cleaning out a bookshelf in our room and then dropping off all of our items at the donation centers.
Hubby did ask, "How long do you think it will stay this way?" I gave him a stern look and said, "Forever. Because I LABELED."
So, show me your "Junk Drawer", I dare ya!
Happy Organizing!
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