Sunday, March 13, 2011


I've been MIA.

But I have had good reason. After celebrating my birthday, I almost immediately came down with Influenza A .. Boooooo! I told my hubby it is how I imagine Hell to be. It was horrible. When I was on the mend TWO weeks later, then my Hubs get sick. In between all of that, the kids were off...runny noses, cranky, blah. To summarize my last month, sickness, sickness, sickness. The worst part of the whole thing, is that time was Hubby's Spring Break. SADS. Don't get me wrong, we have had moments in the month of fun, but not how I imagined our planned for his break.

This week is Izzy's Spring Break so I am going to jam pack this week with tons of fun and hopefully some spring cleaning too! After this month of sickness, I just want to walk into all of our rooms and breathe in a good clean Clorox smell. Aaaah!

Two weeks of flu means I have hit my sickness quota for 2011. Sweeeet!

In other news, I've started South Beach again! Hello swimsuit season, I'm getting ready for ya! I started phase 1 last Monday and as of yesterday, I had already lost 8 pounds!!!!!! South Beach takes some will power, but I love how fast you see the results. Before and After pics? Maybe tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. good luck with South Beach! i took some before pics once, and ended up trashing them because i was heavier when i gave up than when i started. :/ in a couple weeks i'm going to gather the will power to start p90x workouts again... we'll see how that goes.
