Tomorrow is Izzy's last day of Kindergarten.
*breathing deeply and wiping tears*
Where did this year go? My baby is about to turn 6 years old and as of tomorrow officially be a first grader or as Izzy told his friend the other day, "I'm gonna be in Oneth grade!"
It feels like I have only blinked a couple of times since the day I took a picture of him on the front porch after eating his K pancake and here we are, the year complete and what seems like 5 feet taller and so much more mature and responsible, I can hardly take it.
Let me tell you a bit about how much he has grown this year.
An easy judge is he started the year in a size 4/5 and ended in a 7/8 (leaning more to the 8) and size 3 shoe. Oh. My.
I can no longer spell words to keep conversations private.
He knows way more about Science than I do. He often tells me facts that I have to later google to make sure he is correct. He always is.
He wakes up at THE CRACK OF DAWN and if you need an exact time it is anywhere between 5:30-6:30. He wakes, dresses himself, then plays or reads quietly until he hears movement around the house (2 hours later!) and then makes his own breakfast while Mommy groggily applauds his responsible efforts.
He is a huge help around the house. He can sweep floors, take out trash, load the dishwasher, clean his room, carry full laundry baskets and help unload groceries! In fact, yesterday he vacuumed out my car and cleaned the interior for me! Of course, he is always rewarded for all of his hard work.
Neighborhood boys are now knocking on the door daily to play with Izzy and when I say daily, I really mean minutely. (yes, I know minutely isn't a word, but that is how frazzled the sound of the door bell makes me!) One ring boys!!
Last year at this time, I could cuddle Izzy up on my lap and read a book or snuggle in to watch a movie. I can no longer pick him up and if I cuddle him on my lap about 3 feet of legs are left dangling. When he slips on my flip flops to play, I'm sad to see he doesn't have that much to grow into them. My little boy isn't so little on the outside.
He loves to read street signs now, and especially loves to inform me when he feels I am going just a little bit over the speed limit and that I need to obey all of the rules. Of course I never speed, but to Izzy 40 is 40..not 41.
He can make friends in an instant which is a far cry from my shy little one at the beginning of the year. He may not remember their name at the end of the day, nevertheless, they are his new best friends.
His handwriting has improved greatly and I can now read and understand his stories. Reading his daily journal has become my favorite part of the day.
Even with all of this improvement and growth Izzy has decided he still doesn't want to grow up. My almost 6 year old doesn't want to turn 6. He doesn't want to move to the big kid class at church, he doesn't want to go to the First grade he just wants to stay little. OH how I wish I could let him!
When I put my Kindergartner to bed tonight, he started sobbing and said, "Why did I have to do such great hard work this year? I shouldn't have done such great jobs so Mrs. C could make me do Kindergarten all over again. I am going to miss her so bad! WHY do I have to be so smart?" I was so thankful for the laugh, because I really just wanted to join his sobbing party. My baby is growing up way too quickly and there is nothing either one of us can do about it. Starting tomorrow, we are going to take full advantage of every single day of summer. I have a feeling that spending summer days with Mommy won't last much longer and he will be answering those knocks at the door instead.
I may need a delivery of chocolate and kleenex tomorrow if you love me. *more tears*
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Life in a Binder
In between taking cover in the basement stairwell and watching the weather coverage, I worked on a little project-a long time coming. I've said before it is very difficult to keep my Master Bedroom organized because it is so many rooms in one to us. This morning I was looking for an important paper and became overwhelmed. It probably isn't just the paper, but all that I have on my plate and in my head right now, but it was the straw that made this camel organized.
This is what I am always staring at in either the mail slot or in our bookshelf. Tons of random paper, all important, but with no home.
This doesn't include the massive amounts of school work that Izzy comes home with every single day. Party invites, schedules, insurance paperwork, health forms, school papers, Medical school forms, the list goes on and on. I couldn't look at it for one more second. So I got my trusty tools out...
After separating the stack of paperwork into the appropriate sections, I made labels for each household tab. Hole-punched all of the papers and divided them into their corresponding tabs. Each family member has their own tab, so that I can add current papers or to do items to each person. I even made one labeled summer, for all of the things I would like to do, coupons I have found for fun activities, and our summer movie schedule.
The last step took just a minute thanks to my Super-Duper Silhouette, I made a simple tag to label the binder (I marked out our last don't need to know Everything!!)
Gotta say how much better I feel after such a simple project. There are no more random papers lying around, no more piles to antagonize me instead everything has a home and my mind is able to focus so much better!
What makes me feel even better than this binder? Having my Izzy home from school safe and sound. I have been a hot mess worrying about him and now I can breathe a little better. Praying you all stay safe!
This is what I am always staring at in either the mail slot or in our bookshelf. Tons of random paper, all important, but with no home.
This doesn't include the massive amounts of school work that Izzy comes home with every single day. Party invites, schedules, insurance paperwork, health forms, school papers, Medical school forms, the list goes on and on. I couldn't look at it for one more second. So I got my trusty tools out...
After separating the stack of paperwork into the appropriate sections, I made labels for each household tab. Hole-punched all of the papers and divided them into their corresponding tabs. Each family member has their own tab, so that I can add current papers or to do items to each person. I even made one labeled summer, for all of the things I would like to do, coupons I have found for fun activities, and our summer movie schedule.
The last step took just a minute thanks to my Super-Duper Silhouette, I made a simple tag to label the binder (I marked out our last don't need to know Everything!!)
Gotta say how much better I feel after such a simple project. There are no more random papers lying around, no more piles to antagonize me instead everything has a home and my mind is able to focus so much better!
What makes me feel even better than this binder? Having my Izzy home from school safe and sound. I have been a hot mess worrying about him and now I can breathe a little better. Praying you all stay safe!
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Everyone has heard by now of the complete devastation in Joplin, MO. I have lots of friends that live in Joplin as well as my cousin and her family which includes two small children. When I heard the news, my heart completely sank knowing there was no way to get a hold of them or check on their safety. I imagined the fear of so many Mothers trying to protect their children in such a life threatening storm. I watched the cell phone videos made in the middle of the tornado and almost became sick to my stomach listening to the fear and the babies crying for their parents. Luckily, my cousin, her family and everyone else we know is safe, although their lives are still dramatically changed. But, for the ones that aren't or are still missing my heart breaks.
Living in Missouri my entire life, I have become numb to the sound of the tornado siren. While, we always take cover and protect ourselves, I take for granted that anything will actually happen. I don't think that will be the case anymore after the coverage I have seen and the videos I have watched. Hearing my cousins account is so frightening, I can't imagine how she felt.
She gave an update on Facebook, as she has no way to call anyone to let them know she and her family is safe. She provided this picture:
Driving in her car, the sirens sounded and she was informed she had approximately 10 minutes to find shelter. This is the building she tried to take cover in, but they pushed her out as well as several others and told them to find shelter elsewhere. With no where else to go, she jumped back into her car and drove home, thankfully arriving safely before it hit. She also noted that the tornado literally jumped over her neighborhood and destroyed the next one over.
The picture is slightly fuzzy, but the parking lot is filled with mangled cars and the building is destroyed. I am so thankful she was able to make it home instead of taking shelter here.
The need is so great in this town, the News stated over 75% of the town is completely destroyed and the current count is over 100 dead. I wish I could be one of the volunteers that are there making a difference. As a stay-at-home Mommy, there doesn't feel like there is much I can do to help. Then my wonderful friend Carolyn, posted a link:, where you can make an appointment to donate blood, which is a huge need. That IS something I can do. Today at my appointment, I will be praying for this town and the people who call it home, for the volunteers who are sacrificing to help others and for the families who are still missing loved ones.
Living in Missouri my entire life, I have become numb to the sound of the tornado siren. While, we always take cover and protect ourselves, I take for granted that anything will actually happen. I don't think that will be the case anymore after the coverage I have seen and the videos I have watched. Hearing my cousins account is so frightening, I can't imagine how she felt.
She gave an update on Facebook, as she has no way to call anyone to let them know she and her family is safe. She provided this picture:
The picture is slightly fuzzy, but the parking lot is filled with mangled cars and the building is destroyed. I am so thankful she was able to make it home instead of taking shelter here.
The need is so great in this town, the News stated over 75% of the town is completely destroyed and the current count is over 100 dead. I wish I could be one of the volunteers that are there making a difference. As a stay-at-home Mommy, there doesn't feel like there is much I can do to help. Then my wonderful friend Carolyn, posted a link:, where you can make an appointment to donate blood, which is a huge need. That IS something I can do. Today at my appointment, I will be praying for this town and the people who call it home, for the volunteers who are sacrificing to help others and for the families who are still missing loved ones.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
* Party Prep Night/Dance Party/Girls Night
*Breakfast with Papa
*Tball game
*Tangled Party for our sweet friend Ella
*Immediately followed by a super fun and original Glow in the Dark party for our buddy Elijah
*Lunch with friends
*Made dinner for my sweet SIL, who had surgery last week and spent the rest of Sunday night hanging out with our hilarious family, while trying not to let SIL blow her stitches out.
Okaaaaaay. See? Not exaggerating. I'm wiped, but it was all so much fun.
While everything was super duper fun, I actually have pics of our time at Elijahs Glow Party and I thought it was so original I had to share. This party was done on the heels of the "You are my Sunshine" party just a couple of weeks ago. Needless to say, my friend K is a super Mommy and even more exhausted than me. :)
She had the kids at Hello, with the fact that the party started at 7 p.m. That is my boys bedtime so not only did we go to a party at night, but it didn't even start until cool is that?
The party began with, what else? Food. A hot dog bar, to be exact! In K style, she provided every option possible and we all thanked her for it. Delish.
The Birthday Boy and his Bestie ready to chow down.
What is that in the vase? Oh nothing, just Glow in the Dark JELLO! She's brilliant, I tell ya!
In between bites, the kids had lots to play with. Once it became dark, it was time for some real fun. Glow in the Dark: Science Experiment. The kids all sat down at a large table and made their own GitD SLIME! They had a blast and it really worked!
Delicious food, creativity, black lights, white clothes, Dollar store glow sticks and of course the Cricut and paper made for what my boys called, "The BEST Party EVERRRRRRRRR Made." Izzy told me, he wished it was an all night party, because he knows he could stay up all night with the glow sticks. 30 seconds later he was snoring in the car. :)
Elijah successfully turned 6 and his party rocked the neighborhood. I'm pretty sure the whole cul-de-sac was wishing they got an invite to this one.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
I have been a little sensitive and emotional this week, with good reason.
1. My Grandpa passed away last Friday. Technically he was my "Step" as he was my Grandma's second husband, but he was the only Grandpa I knew as a child. All of my family memories are woven with him as a main character and to think that my kids haven't had a chance to know him because of illness and will grow up without his humor make me very sad. It is also so sad to realize I am getting to an age that my Grandparents are passing more quickly and my time remaining with them is short. I am even more sad, that 2 weeks ago when we went to visit him out of town, we missed him by less than an hour not knowing that was our last chance at seeing him, thanking him for wonderful memories and saying a final Good-bye.
2. In my last post, I told you how Hubby had successfully completed his 2nd year of Medical School and now we are just looking at 2 years of clinicals before his Graduation. This makes me so happy, but I get emotional every time I think of it. Look how far we have come. We will have been married 11 years in September and 7 of that has been working towards this goal. This huge milestone brings such a huge feeling of achievement, but for this Mommy a heavy slap of remembering just exactly why all of this came to pass in the first place. My Judah. It is almost 7 years and I can't believe we have survived without him, let alone lived a successful and blessed life.
3. Mothers Day. The ultimate in bittersweetness. OH how blessed I am to have my boys and to have the chance to hold them on such a special day. To have memories of becoming their mother and to know the pure joy they have brought to my life. I can close my eyes and remember the absolutely pain, sickness and agony of not knowing if I would ever be able to celebrate this day. But here I am, 3 beautiful boys. There are no words really to explain what happens to a Mother who has buried a child. Mothers Day is one that just takes that broken heart and just twists it. I know that I this blog is full of posts that are bi-polar, full of super highs and the lowest lows, but so is life. This week I try to focus on all that God has given me and the tremendous blessings in my life including my short time with Judah. I would be remiss to not be honest and say that these days hurt as well.
Yesterday, my sweet Izzy came home from school with a huge grin on his face. He asked me to close my eyes and promise not to peek. I sat on the living room floor waiting patiently, for what I knew was a early Mothers Day gift. When he finally said, I could open my eyes, I found a huge hand-made card with a giant fingerprint flower in a pot that said "Happy Mothers Day!" Inside was a picture he had drawn of us scuba diving (? Hate to say, but I am too panicky for that ever to become a reality.), with hearts floating above the ocean and "I love Mom" written in huge letters above the top. On the opposite page was a questionnaire about me. What is something your Mom does to make you feel special? - "She makes me a lots of birthday parties, even when it isn't my birthday." What is the best food your Mom makes for you?-"Pizza and Corn dogs...I love corn dogs." (I never make corn dogs. That totally made me laugh.) Tell me about your Mom. "She has brown hair, with light colors in the back ( I don't), brown eyes, she weighs 80 lbs ( I <3 him) and she is 11 ft tall."
I seriously tried to contain my sobbing because it was so sweet, but why do my thoughts always go to my sadness that it was the very first school card I have received. I miss getting things like that from my would be 1st grader, and having 3 boys to smother in kisses in the afternoon after school. But I am so thankful to get one at all.
Kids are like Dogs...stay with me. Dogs can sense everything, sickness, fear, emotions and change. Kids are the same. My Ash has been tagged lovey, since he was a newborn for his cuddly ways. This week, I think he has sensed my heartache, and has spent the entire week saying unprompted "I Yove You Mama", giving my back rubs and snuggling really closely. Just what I needed. Between my lovey and Bobo's unending kindness and art work, I am going to be ok this weekend.
Praying all of you Mommies get all of the recognition and appreciation you deserve and days filled with hugs and slobbery kisses. For those who have lost a child, or who are still waiting for the Mommy dream to become reality, I pray for peace and fullness on this very bittersweet day.
1. My Grandpa passed away last Friday. Technically he was my "Step" as he was my Grandma's second husband, but he was the only Grandpa I knew as a child. All of my family memories are woven with him as a main character and to think that my kids haven't had a chance to know him because of illness and will grow up without his humor make me very sad. It is also so sad to realize I am getting to an age that my Grandparents are passing more quickly and my time remaining with them is short. I am even more sad, that 2 weeks ago when we went to visit him out of town, we missed him by less than an hour not knowing that was our last chance at seeing him, thanking him for wonderful memories and saying a final Good-bye.
2. In my last post, I told you how Hubby had successfully completed his 2nd year of Medical School and now we are just looking at 2 years of clinicals before his Graduation. This makes me so happy, but I get emotional every time I think of it. Look how far we have come. We will have been married 11 years in September and 7 of that has been working towards this goal. This huge milestone brings such a huge feeling of achievement, but for this Mommy a heavy slap of remembering just exactly why all of this came to pass in the first place. My Judah. It is almost 7 years and I can't believe we have survived without him, let alone lived a successful and blessed life.
3. Mothers Day. The ultimate in bittersweetness. OH how blessed I am to have my boys and to have the chance to hold them on such a special day. To have memories of becoming their mother and to know the pure joy they have brought to my life. I can close my eyes and remember the absolutely pain, sickness and agony of not knowing if I would ever be able to celebrate this day. But here I am, 3 beautiful boys. There are no words really to explain what happens to a Mother who has buried a child. Mothers Day is one that just takes that broken heart and just twists it. I know that I this blog is full of posts that are bi-polar, full of super highs and the lowest lows, but so is life. This week I try to focus on all that God has given me and the tremendous blessings in my life including my short time with Judah. I would be remiss to not be honest and say that these days hurt as well.
Yesterday, my sweet Izzy came home from school with a huge grin on his face. He asked me to close my eyes and promise not to peek. I sat on the living room floor waiting patiently, for what I knew was a early Mothers Day gift. When he finally said, I could open my eyes, I found a huge hand-made card with a giant fingerprint flower in a pot that said "Happy Mothers Day!" Inside was a picture he had drawn of us scuba diving (? Hate to say, but I am too panicky for that ever to become a reality.), with hearts floating above the ocean and "I love Mom" written in huge letters above the top. On the opposite page was a questionnaire about me. What is something your Mom does to make you feel special? - "She makes me a lots of birthday parties, even when it isn't my birthday." What is the best food your Mom makes for you?-"Pizza and Corn dogs...I love corn dogs." (I never make corn dogs. That totally made me laugh.) Tell me about your Mom. "She has brown hair, with light colors in the back ( I don't), brown eyes, she weighs 80 lbs ( I <3 him) and she is 11 ft tall."
I seriously tried to contain my sobbing because it was so sweet, but why do my thoughts always go to my sadness that it was the very first school card I have received. I miss getting things like that from my would be 1st grader, and having 3 boys to smother in kisses in the afternoon after school. But I am so thankful to get one at all.
Kids are like Dogs...stay with me. Dogs can sense everything, sickness, fear, emotions and change. Kids are the same. My Ash has been tagged lovey, since he was a newborn for his cuddly ways. This week, I think he has sensed my heartache, and has spent the entire week saying unprompted "I Yove You Mama", giving my back rubs and snuggling really closely. Just what I needed. Between my lovey and Bobo's unending kindness and art work, I am going to be ok this weekend.
Praying all of you Mommies get all of the recognition and appreciation you deserve and days filled with hugs and slobbery kisses. For those who have lost a child, or who are still waiting for the Mommy dream to become reality, I pray for peace and fullness on this very bittersweet day.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Celebration Day!!!
If Medical School was like a Super Mario game, Hubby is running up that last hill and making the giant leap to the top of the flag of level 2. If that made no sense, today is the last day of FINALS EVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! (and the crowd roars!) 2nd year is over. No more classes, No more crazy mid-terms followed a week later by a crazier final. I feel like throwing a party I am so happy. If I am this happy, think how ecstatic Hubby is! He is like a new person this week. As each day passed and with that one last test to take, he breathed a little easier. He has had a smile on his face since Monday and I have heard him laugh more this week than I have in the last couple of months.
It has been a long, grueling, exhausting road, but he did it! Not a single remediation in the bunch either!! I am so proud.
6,240. That is the number of hours in the last 2 years that he has spent studying, NOT including finals weekends. Oh. My. Word.
Tonight, I am taking my guy out for a celebration date. The kids are staying with my parents and Hubby and I are going out on the town. The date has to be like the best date ever because as of Sunday, we go into full blown Boards mode. For tonight, we won't think about that...we will just enjoy Cinco de Mayo for a different reason than every one else.
Happy Half-Way There Day!!!
It has been a long, grueling, exhausting road, but he did it! Not a single remediation in the bunch either!! I am so proud.
6,240. That is the number of hours in the last 2 years that he has spent studying, NOT including finals weekends. Oh. My. Word.
Tonight, I am taking my guy out for a celebration date. The kids are staying with my parents and Hubby and I are going out on the town. The date has to be like the best date ever because as of Sunday, we go into full blown Boards mode. For tonight, we won't think about that...we will just enjoy Cinco de Mayo for a different reason than every one else.
Happy Half-Way There Day!!!
Sunday, May 1, 2011
You are my Sunshine!
I have shared a lot about my pal K. She is an A.Maz.Ing cook, a phenomenal baker, a wonderful mother and wife (bordering on perfect), a super hip dancer, and an even better friend. You combine all of her super powers and it just makes sense that she can throw a super-duper fab party. Her baby turned One this week and family and friends came out Saturday to celebrate. K doesn't have a blog (but we are working on it. :) and I couldn't let this sweetness go un-noticed. K worked for months to prepare all of the hand-made items. Many craft nights filled with hot glue guns, cricuts, yummy snacks and lots of dancing ended in absolutely the most precious party I have ever attended.
You are my Sunshine Party:
How beautiful is this table? It made me want to put a ruffle dress on and twirl in the grass barefoot. Why can't I be 5 again?
Another view of the sweets table.
The following picture makes me smile every single time I see it. K and I worked on this project for days and it was worth it! K dyed every single doily to make this ruffly Sun.
Ruffle Cupcakes to match the Ruffle Cake
Little Miss Sunshine!
There was another beautiful girl at the party too.
The cake was so beautiful it made her cry. I wish cake had the same affect on me.
Of course this guy always enjoys a cupcake.
The food was delicious, the decor was beautiful and the birthday girl was sweeter than the cake.
I was so blessed to be a part of such a special day and what a great excuse for me and my buddy to get together to "work" so many nights of the last few months. In just a couple of weeks we have another one to celebrate, I can't wait.
You are my Sunshine Party:
The following picture makes me smile every single time I see it. K and I worked on this project for days and it was worth it! K dyed every single doily to make this ruffly Sun.
The food was delicious, the decor was beautiful and the birthday girl was sweeter than the cake.
I was so blessed to be a part of such a special day and what a great excuse for me and my buddy to get together to "work" so many nights of the last few months. In just a couple of weeks we have another one to celebrate, I can't wait.
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