Tuesday, August 9, 2011

If I wrote a book...

I have a cousin, her name is Melissa. She is beautiful, sweet and has a heart for others like no one else I know. She also has a fabulous blog ----> http://melissaemma.blogspot.com, which you should totally subscribe to, she will bless your socks off.

My sweet Melissa is cousin by marriage, but it is like we are blood. We are two peas in a pod, a very organized pod. :) We are so similar, but Melissa is a lot of what I am not. I am not good at cards, thoughtful remembering of dates, surprise gifts just when you need them and loads of other thoughtful gestures. I can't tell you how many times I have thought, I am going to surprise her with _______, and then time gets away from me and I have failed. She, however, never fails to send me encouragement and inspiration and her timing is impeccable. She is an avid reader and knows of every book that I should also be taking the time to read, but haven't. Pretty much, it is like she has a piece of my heart and knows exactly when it is hurting and she does something beautiful and sweet to make it all better.

Her latest blessing, was this book.

I am a follower of Angie's blog http://angiesmithonline.com/, (as should you) and so I was beside myself when I received a surprise package on a very special day-Judah's Birthday. I got the box 1/16th of the way opened, when I peeked in and realized what was inside. I knew immediately what it was and who it was from and I stood in my entry way and wept. How does she know? I guess it doesn't matter, I am just so glad that she does.

Since I have been following Angie's blog, I know her amazing story. Reading it again, is a slow process for me. Not for lack of intrigue or amazing writing, but purely out of I can only weep so long mid-day without being questioned. I have literally put the book down after every chapter, taking a moment to really let her words sink in and then I weep. It is like she took the words straight out of my heart. If I were to write a book based on my sweet Judah and our testimony, well there is really no need. She did it much more beautifully than I could have done. This book is simply amazing and everyone should read it. Everyone should also get a Melissa, so that you can feel the love and thoughtfulness that I am so privelaged to enjoy.

Melissa, thanks so much for knowing my heart and caring enough to fill it. Just another reason we should be neighbors. ;)

1 comment:

  1. I love you! Thanks for your sweet words! They mean more to me than I can say. You are precious to me.
