Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Homework and Life Lessons

Izzy is in First Grade. He just finished reading his first reading textbook and is on to the second level. With this new level of knowledge, his class has  begun the adventure of weekly spelling lists and Friday spelling tests. This also means that each night we need to add spelling words to our list of things to work on. Izzy is currently trying to fill out his book club sheet, meaning he reads to me each night and records what he read and how many pages and when he reaches 25 he turns it in for recognition in the newsletter and the announcements and receives a small treat. We are up to 50 books at this point, so he is doing fairly well. 

Gotta be honest, I was a liiiiiittle worried about spelling. Some people have a natural talent for spelling and others it just becomes a struggle for life. I was hoping he would fall in the first category to save me from wrinkles and impatience. Luckily, I have awesome friends that all share their tips and tricks with me and when I worked with Izzy that first night, after 5 minutes, I tested him and he got 100%! What a relief!

Between Izzy reading me multiple books (slowly) and Me reading chapter books to him every night, (and devotions and Bible), any homework he didn't finish at school and our new challenge of penmanship... a request not made by his teacher, but completely a necessity for me to be able to save any of his work from school, we hardly have any time for fun. I don't like this at all. Izzy is pretty tired after a full day at school. Add in chores, piano, soccer, homework and reading and most nights he is heading to bed-hours- after his normal bedtime.  

Ever have one of those moments when you are in the midst of your normal routine and you look at your kids and realize, "I am BLESSED!" My boys are not perfect, but I could not ask for anything better. They are loving and kind to one another and they are great friends to everyone they meet. Quiet and gentle and both have been given sensitive spirits. I was working tonight in the basement, when I looked up to find Izzy encouraging Asher and telling him how proud he is of him, followed by a giant hug and a "I love you." No prompting, in fact, I was so into my work I am not certain of the reasoning behind it.  A few minutes later, I overheard Asher telling his Bobo how much he missed him today and he is glad he is home. They were playing quietly so I could work and I loved hearing such positive words. I stopped what I was doing and applauded their behavior and instructed them to load up in the car because I was taking them out for ice cream BEFORE dinner, something I have never done.  It was just one of those moments, that hit me like a truck. I am so lucky and in love with these boys and my 12 mile long list can wait so I can reward them for their kindness.

After our special treat and dinner out with Daddy, Izzy and I came back to buckle down and work on all of that homework. I told him to take a potty break and go to the living room for 2 minutes and get his wiggles out because when we sit, we focus. He loves that, and it really seems to help. We tackled one thing at a time and in the middle of a 3 page lesson with a lot of writing, Izzy got out of his chair and gave me a big hug and whispered in my ear, "Momma, thank you for helping me with my homework and being so nice. It makes me feel good and work hard." *tears*

So, this is my life now. My nights are filled with taxi-ing boys all over the city, Room Mom meetings, school functions, and lots and lots of homework. Tonight was one of those nights, that makes up for the not so easy times and all of the exhaustion. :) 

Glad that a lesson we have been trying to teach Izzy is connecting: Attitude determines everything! Even when things don't come easy to you, don't give up. Make up your mind to be positive and practice until it becomes easy. Negative attitude always gets Negative results. 

This is a great lesson for me too. Impatience is something I am always working to combat. When I allow negativity and impatience to get the best of me, I will only see negative reactions in my children.  Even when they test my patience, my attitude determines their outcome.  

Tonight was a victory for all of us, our good attitudes were rewarded with love, kind words and a sugary treat. What is better than that?

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Momma Bear! Keep up the good work! :) Miss you!
