Thursday, November 12, 2009


Everyday on the drive to school, Izzy and I pray. Izzy normally prays first and it is always very sweet. Then he asks me to pray for him and I do.

My prayer normally goes something like this:

Dear Jesus, Thank you for this beautiful day. Thank you for Israel and Asher because they are such blessings. I pray you keep them safe from harm and protect them from evil. That you would give them peace in their bodies and minds and give Izzy focus and attention at school. I pray that Israel would have favor with his teachers and friends that they would enjoy him today. Give Israel kind words in his mouth, patience, and an obedient spirit. In Jesus name, Amen!

Israel has become amazing at praying. He is very sensitive and sometimes the things that come out of his mouth during prayer time just blow me away! Today was one of those days.

On the way to school today, he said, "Mommy, I am going to pray. Dear Jesus, Thank you for my friends and family. Please help me to have kind words and be a good friend. Help me to have peace in my body and help Ashie feel better. God I pray you help Joseph to be kind and loving and teach him to be a good friend. Protect our car so we don't wreck and help Mommy and Ashie to have a good day today and not miss me too much while I am gone. In Jesus Name, Amen!

Now the last couple of days, he has been praying for Joseph, so I assumed he was praying for a kid at school that maybe was having a hard time. Today I finally asked. "Izzy who is Joseph? Is he a friend in your class?" He replied, " No, Mommy. Joseph is Jesus' friend. He is in the Bible didn't you know that? Jesus' friends should be nice to him too, just like my friends are to me. So I have to pray for Joseph that he will have kind words for Jesus."


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