Today I bought a lunchbox for Izzy. I almost wept in the aisle at Target. The lunchbox was my emotional wall. Buying that one item, let me know this is fo' real. All day school for the rest of his time in my house. Mommy is devastated. In the same day as the lunchbox purchase, I took his enrollment forms, school supplies and had a meeting with his teacher. Luckily, I have a saving grace. Izzy's sweet Preschool teacher Mrs. C has been moved into a new Kindergarten position and she requested him in her class. That tidbit of info did help to slow my hyperventalational breathing a tad. It helped even more to hear, she picked all of the "friends" he got along really well with, and put the others in a different class. During the meeting, Izzy picked out his cubby, he went with yellow. Sunny...I like it. He wrote his name on his own notebooks and his folder. That almost brought a tear too. Just last year, I was writing everything for him. Then my OCD almost kicked in and I almost stole the Sharpie out of his hand so that it would be written in the correct spot. Then he upped it, by putting his A backwards. Self-control, I tell ya. Overall, I think he is going to have a fantastic Kindergarten experience. I also think, after a week, I am going to pull myself together and deal with this new phase of life. One which includes a much quieter day spending some quality time with my Lovey. I do have a small worry for Lovey, I am scared his heart might just break as much as mine with Izzy gone all day. Last week, Asher had to be quarantined due to an eye infection and they didn't play together for several days. When they got the thumbs up from me to play again, it was like a scene from a movie, where two people run through a field of wild flowers in slow motion, hair flowing in the wind and giant smiles on their faces. I have never seen two happier boys and so many hugs. Brightside is maybe I will just get to relive that scene everyday around 3:30 when Izzy gets out of school.
Yesterday, we were walking through a water park and he picked up my hand and kissed it, and said, "Mama, I love you so much. I am going to stay little for you like you want because I want you to be happy." If only that were possible... but I so appreciate his loving gestures!
Three more days of Summer with my sweet boy. I intend to squeeze every second of it I can.
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