Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Littlest Miracle

Last night, when I should have been sleeping, I found myself instead watching 19 & Counting (The Duggar family). I haven't watched in quite a while, but during last nights episodes, I could not hold back the tears. Josie Duggar #19, was born at 25 weeks and weighed only 1lb 6oz. Now I can't imagine all that this family has been through, but I can relate. My little Izzy was born at 32 weeks and weighed only 4lb 4oz. As I watched Michelle Duggar, sit on the side, while the Doctors and Nurses performed various procedures on her tiny baby, my heart ached for her. It is absolutely the worst feeling, to watch a complete stranger handle the tiniest baby you have ever laid eyes on like a sack of potatoes. To put tubes and needles in and do procedures that cause your baby's oxygen levels to drop instantly and hear the beeping of 20 different machines as you sit helplessly hoping for the best. To come into check on your child, and not know what to expect that day. Every day is different and there are no guarantees. Having a premature baby is a constant roller coaster ride.

(Pic-Izzy 3 days old in the NICU)

Izzy had his share of difficulties to overcome, but overall he did well. He had a pneumothorax (collapsed lung) which needed to heal, jaundice, he had no suck reflex, and it takes a long time for a preemie to gain weight. All in all, when they thought he would be there 2 months or longer, he only stayed 3 weeks in the NICU. It was amazing. But watching that show, took me right back to those days. The constant calls, visits, worry and anxiety and feeling completely helpless. I watched Michelle cry and pray over her baby from the other end of the room, and I remember being in that same position, pleading with God to give him the strength to live.

(Pic-Mommy's first time holding Izzy. 4 days old.)

Earlier in the night, I had come across a photo album in my Dad's office. I flipped through the pictures and they were all of Izzy's first week. It is still hard for me to remember just how tiny and fragile he was those first months. I can't even explain the panic that I had the first night we brought him home. There were so many rules in the hospital, but when he is cleared to go home, they just hand him off and assume you know what to do. We figured it out quickly, but it was very difficult to sleep after getting used to machines telling you if you baby was breathing well or not.

God has given us so much to be thankful for in Izzy. He is not a petite size child like they feared at his beginning, he is just the opposite in fact. He has no blindness, hearing issues, lung issues, allergies..nothing. Perfectly healthy and very smart.

My heart goes out to the Duggars and any family, who has had a child prematurely. I really appreciate that they have continued taping during this difficult time. I know for me, it has helped me to remember how much I should really be thankful for and how different the outcome could have been.

Today, I think I am going to go snuggle my littlest miracle, show him his photo album and tell him his story. I want him to grow up appreciating life and all of the blessings and strength God has given him every single day.

(Pic-Izzy's first day home and first smile! 35 weeks and still 5 weeks before his due date)

Sunday, February 21, 2010

A late Valentine

Tonight, my sweet Izzy handed me an envelope. On the front he drew a heart person with arms and legs. On the back were several letters that spelled nonsense, but he said it spelled "Happy Valentines Day!"

He was so excited as I opened up the envelope. He had a huge grin on his face, and he said, "Mama, you aren't going to believe how much you are going to love this."

I open it up, assuming I am going to find a piece of paper with more drawing. I was wrong. I found a Church's Chicken coupon!

He said, "Mama, I love you so much. Happy Valentines Day! I love you so much, I was thinking you could go to the chicken place and get me some chicken tenders. Does that sound like a good idea to you?"

Now, you have to applaud his creativity. He could have just come up and said, "I want nuggets", but that's not his style. He takes his time, he thinks of the most romantic way you could possibly ask for chicken tenders and goes with that. Now, I didn't get the tenders, but he did get a huge hug and kiss from me. Maybe last year, I would have caved, but Izzy is a big ball of sugar, and if I fell for all of his sweet gestures, we would be eating nuggets for every meal and watching Chicken Little 24 hours a day.

I have to say, he is 4 and imperfect, but I have never met a more loving kid than Izzy. I am sure people grow tired of my facebook status' with his sweet sayings, but what they don't know is I could really update like 25 times a day with his quotes and loving gestures. The kid is like a walking Hallmark store...brimming with love and motivational sayings.

I feel like when Mommy's are having a hard day, they should call me. I could bring Izzy over for an hour and refuel their love tanks. Hello College Fund! :)

Saturday, February 20, 2010


Every time I go into the attic, it only means one thing. My babies are growing up. Today, I spent my morning organizing clothes, packing away things that have been outgrown and restocking Ashers closet with Izzy's 24 months and 2T sized clothes. I can't believe that my little lovey is growing so fast. It feels like Izzy just wore these clothes and now that kid is in a size 6/7 and there is no "T" to follow that. *sadface*

Ash had a blast looking through the mountain of new clothes and shoes. He wanted to try on every pair of shoes and do a test walk. Then he found them...Izzy's first pair of Thomas the Train underwear. My mom had bought them, thinking Izzy would potty train early, and we realized really quickly that wasn't going to happen. He would just wear them for a few minutes or on top of his diaper and he thought he was hot stuff. Asher came across them, immediately started to put his legs in and then grunted for help. Then he walked around the house like a man. He proudly went upstairs to show Daddy and hunted around until he found Izzy. Izzy was so proud of him and said, "Hey Asher, you are wearing underwears like me! Wanna see mine?" So they went back and forth showing off their underwear. I guess this is what boys do. Who knows?

We have officially gotten to the point in Ashers life, where he can roam around without being gated, he can crawl up the stairs safely, he can eat foods without being cut up into microscopic sized bites, he uses silverware, he tries to dress himself (unsuccessfully), he literally mimics everything he sees, and he has to watch a movie to drive 3 blocks. My baby is a toddler. I love this stage so much, but I know how quickly it passes. Every minute of my day with him is so much fun. The other morning, while Izzy was at school, he spent the whole 3 hours trying to do a somersault. I tried to help him and it turned into a wrestling match. He would wait until I wasn't fully paying attention and hurl himself over my back and giggle until he couldn't breathe.

He is so smart, but still refuses to talk. He understands multi-step directions and follows them. He can clean up a mess and put things in the right spot. He will put his dishes in the sink when he is done eating. (so cute, because he has to stand on his tip toes and push it in) He has watched Izzy empty all of the trash cans into the garage trash and now you will randomly see him collecting the trash bins and putting them by the garage door. He is picking up some great habits, and just like Izzy loves to help. One thing that is not like Izzy, he does not like being little. Izzy treasured being a baby and I loved it. He felt like he grew up so much slower than Asher. Maybe it is having an older sibling to watch, but everything minus language has come so quickly. I wish I could stop time right now because we are just having too much fun with him.

Finally, the day came this week, when he couldn't find me and he walked through the house saying, "Mama! Mama!" I had a few tears, I won't lie.

There are so many reasons I am looking forward to spring and summer, but the biggest one is thinking of all of the things Asher is going to be able to do this year. Swim in the pool like a big boy, ride around in their Cadillac Escalade, play soccer with Izzy, ride a tricycle, run and run and run! We are going to have so much fun and I can't wait to take advantage of every single day in the sun! I have never lusted after a summer like I am right now. For now, I will just wash all of the summer clothes I got out for Asher, because as I speak, there is another dumping of snow outside.

All day, I have felt a little out of sorts. Going through the clothes, realizing how fast time is passing and then the constant snow fall has made me a little quiet today.

Something that did cheer me up, our 5's from bedtime. One of Izzy's 5's to me was: "I love you because you make the best quesadillas ever!"

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Give me 5's!

I started a new tradition at our house and it all came from a dream. Sounds weird, but it is true. The other night, I had a dream that while I was putting Izzy to bed, I counted out on my hands 5 things I loved about him. Then he counted 5 things about me, and we high-fived! Well, last night I tried it. After our bedtime prayer, I told him about my idea and he loved it.
I went first.
Izzy, I LOVE:
1. Your smile.
2. That you are neat and tidy.
3. You have great hair.
4. You are a great sharer.
5. You are so loving to your brother.
Izzy was glowing and said Thank you after every single one.

Then Izzy went.
Mommy, I LOVE:
1. You are a good Mommy.
2. I love you.
3. I like you.
4. You take good care of my brother.
5. I just love you so much.

There we are, feeling so good about ourselves, big smiles on our faces and our 5's in the air. We high-five and give each other a big kiss.

Every kid loves to hear about their good qualities, but especially Izzy. His love language would totally be words of affirmation. I am so glad I had this idea, because it got me thinking, some days kids just have a bad day and no matter how hard they try, they are in a funk. They spill things, mess things up, get in time-out. What better way to send your kid to bed, than with a few simple things you adore about them? It even made me feel better too.

In fact, Izzy loved it so much he made me do it twice that night, so he went to bed with 10's. :) This morning the first thing out of his mouth was, "Hi Mama! I was thinking all night about my 5's and I can't wait to tell you them tonight." In the car on the way to school, he said, "I just have to tell you one really quick, I love that you play pirates with me." I don't even think he is going to be able to wait until bed time every night, but that is ok with me. I want my boys to know how much I adore them, and especially on one of their funky days.

What traditions do you have with your kids that they love?

Big things!

There is so much going on right now in my life, I think I have to do a couple of different posts. A Mommy update and a kid update. :)

Amazing things have been happening lately. Great things have been happening with friendships, our family and for me personally. For now, I will just share about me. A couple of weeks ago, I got a letter in the mail, from a bank I had a car loan through years ago. It was a very generic letter asking me to call immediately. Since I haven't done any business with them in years, I showed Hubby to see what he thought. At first, he told me to toss it. Then after a second thought, he said, "Well you better call, just in case." So I did. I called, and the woman on the other end of the line was exceedingly pleasant and so happy that I called. Turned out, they have been trying to track me down for several years now, but as you know I have moved a few times. *sigh*
Apparently, there was some kind of class action suit, and since I had an account during that period of time, I was included in any judgements. She explained that I needed to send the form back with my current address and she would issue a check right away. Free money? Perfect! A couple of days pass, and then the check comes. A $500 check! Here is another kicker, she said there is probably more on the way and now that they have my correct address she will get them sent as soon as possible!!! What a huge unexpected blessing!

Within that same week, I am praying over everything in my life, and started to pray over my finances. Praying for wisdom and protection so that I can always have the opportunity to stay at home with my precious boys. The next morning, I wake up to an email from my Dads accountant at work, asking if I would be willing to work from home for a few hours a week to help my Dad out with secretarial/assistant type things. I couldn't believe it! I jumped on the opportunity and discussed with Hubby to make sure he would be ok with some of my extra time going to work. We all know his schedule is crazy and I have a lot of free time on my hands with my kids being so scheduled. He was all for it. I even had a thought, not knowing anything about the offer, that wouldn't it be great if at some point when my kids are in school if I could work with him even more from home and still be able to do all the functions and activities with my kids. I thought it was a long shot, but shared it with him anyway.

Yesterday, I had my first business luncheon and client meeting. My Dad, his accountant, and I went to lunch to discuss the opportunity and figure out if it would work for everyone. I won't go into all of the details, but it is AMAZING!!! I can work from my Dads home office, whenever I have the chance during the day/night. They are setting me up with a new computer and said that in the future if I like the work, they could possibly hire me on Full-time from home and provide benefits! Say WHAT?!?! I love being a stay-at-home mom and I plan on doing everything the same. I want to squeeze every last ounce out of the time I have with them while they are little. On the same note, I know within the next year Izzy will be in school full-time and Asher within a blink will be to follow. It feels really good, to know that I have something for myself and that something could afford me the opportunity to stay home long-term.

Matthew 21:22 says If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer. Now it hasn't always come in the form that I might have imagined in my mind, but it has been true every single time in my life. Most of the time, things have come to bigger and better than I imagined for myself. I shared my thoughts with my hubby thinking it wasn't even possible and then that same thing plus benefits was offered.

Good things are coming my way!! You all might want to start hanging out with me a little more. :)

Monday, February 15, 2010


When my kids get annoyed and frustrated, I tell them "don't get all Huffy Puffy, take a breath." Well I should take my own advice much more throughout the day. Today for instance, I was standing at the kitchen sink and heard myself sigh an enormous sigh. Why? Something as simple as finding dishes on both sides of the sink. Ugh that totally annoys me. If dirty dishes are on the garbage disposal side, how are you supposed to drain or dispose of things? Which got me thinking...I bet there are a thousand little things that make me huffy and maybe, if I wrote them out every once and a while, it would be cathartic, like I am actually telling someone without nagging the person who actually does these things that causes me to sigh and eye roll a hundred times a day. This blog thing is really coming in handy! Feel free to laugh or comment at my insane annoyances.

1. Why does everyone ask me if the dishes in the dishwasher are clean or dirty without even looking inside? This happens at least 5 times a day.

2. Why is it that my little lovey will watch me clean his entire room and wait patiently until I am arranging that very last book on his bookshelf and then just as I leave his room dump a box of blocks and pull every single last book off of the shelf?

3. Why does Izzy have to repeat every last step of our day 198 times over? "So Mom, we are going to have breakfast, then wash our hands, go potty, get our coats and then get into the car? Right Mom? Mama...mama..MOOOOOM! Am I right? Me: "Yes Izzy. We do the same thing every SINGLE DAY!!!!" (SIGH)

4. Why am I the only one who answers the house phone?

5. Why do people ring my doorbell when my kids are in nap and I just told you that on the phone?

6. On the same note, why do the UPS/FedEx guys always come during nap time?

7. Why do I have a neighbor who walks her giant dog at the exact same time I leave to pick up Izzy from school and it never fails that I almost run over both neighbor and dog due to the positioning of our driveway. One of us should really get the hint and change our schedule by 2 minutes.

8. Why is it I have to tell Izzy everything is chicken for him to eat it, when clearly it is not? So much effort.

9. Why does Izzy have a stuffed animal hoarding issue? I literally sigh every time I walk into his bedroom, because I have the compulsive need to arrange 1,495 animals that in 4 seconds will be hit by the hurricane named Asher and his need to leave things in a more "natural" state.

10. Why do I let my phone almost die before putting it on the charger?

11. Why does Hubby respond with "huh?" before actually processing what I have said?

12. Why is Izzy picking up bad habit #11?

13. Why am I the only one who knows the value of a bib? I can't even count how many shirts I have thrown away.

14. Why is it that we have the mail man from Funny Farm? It is practically midnight before he delivers our mail. If it is raining, you can be sure they left both sides of the mail box open to ensure mail flooding.

15. And last but not least, Why do I take the time to organize the fridge? I line everything up perfectly, organize by department and wipe everything down. One meal later, and it looks like a college dorm fridge.

I think it really worked. I feel a little better. Now go ahead and tell me if you think I am completely wasting an eye roll or if you "get me".

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Dr. Love

There are a bazillion reasons why I love my husband. One is his knack for making me feel like the most important person in the world. This week, he proved my reasoning was true over and over again. We are on a tight budget, but we always try to splurge on each others big days because we don't get the chance to do it at all through the year. This week was my birthday, and he had asked me a while back what I desired. I thought long and hard, and decided I would like to get my boys pics done professionally, because time is just flying by and it is hard to set aside that money. Coming into this week, I already knew my gift, and expected only a quiet dinner out to celebrate with him after finals were over. As you have already read, my sweet Izzy and Mom spoiled me with a surprise party bright and early on my birthday, followed by a full day of fun and dinner out with the family. Friday, my hubby was home and he sent me out shopping for a new outfit for my special dinner that night. I picked Cheesecake Factory and was ready to fall head first off of the South Beach wagon into a plate of yummy deliciousness. As we waited for our table, my brother-in-law and his whole family walked through the doors with big smiles on their faces! It was such a nice surprise. My three nephews made me cards, (the best kind)and I was showered with gift cards from their family. So sweet. We had a great dinner, laughing and enjoying the kids and best of all THE CARBS!!! :)
Just as dinner was wrapping up, my Dad offered to take the boys home for us so we could go to a movie. I was so excited to get a surprise date with my Hubby. I couldn't figure out though, why everyone was doing everything the hard way...instead of switching cars, they switched the car seats and all of the kids stuff. I found out soon enough there was a reason for the chaos.
Hubby pulls into a local grocery store and tells me we are getting candy for our movie. Sounds good to me! Next thing I know, he is opening the trunk and says, "I lied. We aren't going to the movies...look in here." I look to find our luggage packed and ready. *brain processing* Uh...what? Hubby-"I am taking you to a surprise hotel overnight. I packed all of your stuff and we aren't going home until tomorrow afternoon!"

Now, the overnight stay was plenty to be excited about, but for me, I couldn't believe how sweet and thoughtful it was that he had spent a month planning for this day. That he picked out outfits, stole my makeup bag without me realizing it, packed everything I needed and prepared for our kids. He took me shopping for snacks and then we headed off to our hotel. We normally stay in the Sheraton on the Plaza, the place we stayed on our wedding night, but he wanted every part of the night to be a surprise so he took me to the President Hotel which has been recently renovated and restored. It was like taking a step into the 30's and I loved it. Gorgeous hotel and a beautiful view. We had a fantastic night and I felt like I did when I first fell in love with him.

The next morning, we laid in bed watching TV and eating M&M's for breakfast. Right? How more perfect can a birthday get? Then he hits me with another surprise. He is taking me on a double date for Valentine's with our friends and as soon as we got home, I needed to start getting ready!! It just kept coming! What made it even more fun, Stacy didn't know about the date either. She came to our house wearing a blindfold, and J pretended to load a giant present in the back seat while we got in instead. When she finally removed the blindfold, we all busted up in laughter and set off for our surprise Valentine's date. We were all over the city. Dinner at one place, shopping and walking Union Station, Crown Center and then dessert at Zona Rosa and more shopping. It was hysterical and I am still sore from all of the laughing.

This morning, I woke up to a super sweet card, and breakfast made for me and the boys. My boys were showered with candies and chocolates and singing cards. Hubby and I got the sweetest hearts signed from each of our boys and my parents gave me a bag full of goodies too.

This week has made me feel overwhelmed with love. My friends have been so kind and thoughtful. My family went above and beyond to show their love for me and my Hubby...well he should get an award. Serious. I don't know of another wife who gets the kind of special treatment I get all of the time. He should offer training classes in romance. ;) Romance 101- by Dr. Love.

Today is Valentine's Day and I hope everyone was showered in love and kindness the way we have felt in our house today.

Izzy's Quote of the Day: When speaking to him about love and Valentine's Day Marcus said, "Izzy do you know that Jesus loves you even more than Mommy and Daddy love you?" Izzy- "Yes. He loves me like Grandma loves me!!!" :) It is hard to fathom a greater love than that, huh?

Happy Valentine's Day!!!!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Happy Birthday to ME!!!

It is like I am a kid again. Today is my birthday, and since I am an adult, I expected a quiet day at home with maybe a birthday cake and a couple of extra kisses. Add in the fact this happens to fall on Hubby's Finals week in which we normally don't even see each other, I was a little sad to face the day. So you can understand my shock when after walking Asher into the kitchen for breakfast, I am met with a wide-eyed 4 year old and my mom, decorating wildly. I quickly rushed away, promising I hadn't seen a single thing. I got myself dressed, and Izzy came in to explain the rules: "Mama, we are making you a surprise party. You are not allowed to come in. I am going to come and tell you when it is all finished and you are going to close your eyes and I will walk you into the kitchen. Then I am going to yell SURPRISE really loud and start singing Happy Birthday song and then you are going to be so happy and surprised and it is going to be the best birthday you have ever had." Well, then! Finally, I was given the okay, and I walked into a room filled with pretty decorations, signs, roses from Izzy, 2 pretty cakes, cards, and it was all so cute. Izzy, of course, was beyond proud of himself and repeatedly asked to make sure I loved his party. He didn't seem to care that we still had a school schedule to keep, but I can understand because he set up a great party.

Today Izzy had his "Friendship Party" at school and I was able to help out in class. It was the cutest thing I have seen. I had a chance to watch Izzy in class during his lessons for about 30 minutes before our party started and it was so interesting. Can't figure out why he is constantly asking me to home-school him, because he does fantastic at school. He raises his hand for every single question, all of the kids love him, he has great manners and follows instructions. He laughed the whole day, everything was so much fun and yet he continues to ask to stay home with me. Hmmm? Anyway, we had a great time at the party, we had games, crafts, snack time, singing, reading stories and passed out Valentines to the friends. I just loved watching every kid put their little card into each child's basket. They were all so proud of what they had picked for their friends. On the way out of school, he asked me, "Are you having the BEST birthday, Mama?" I said, "Yes of course! I got to spend extra time with you!" Izzy-"Oh good. Thank you for coming to my class today. I am so proud you came to my party." I swear, both teachers just melted right in front of my eyes. If they only knew what it was like to live with him...I am a constant puddle! He is so sweet and thoughtful. One teacher said, "Oh he is going to have the luckiest wife on the planet." So true.
When we got home from school, Izzy had me sit down and read every single Valentine and after he would tell me why he loves that person. "Oh that Tinkerbell is from Kelsie? Oh I love her because she is a good reader." So sweet.

After a quick lunch, my Mom and I took the boys to a local play land and ended up making new friends. Asher runs that joint and his infectious smile and flirting always opens the door to meeting someone new. This mother, has recently relocated to KC and doesn't know anyone and was looking for a play mate for her 2 year old son. She fell in love with Ashers personality and he loved putting on a show for her. Every time he went down the slide, he would smile really big and pause until the place broke out in applause! He is a crack up! We had a great time, and by the time we left we were all ready for a birthday nap, which Mommy thoroughly enjoyed!

My whole family took me out to dinner to celebrate my big day. I didn't plan on cheating on South Beach tonight, but something in your head says, "It's your Birthday, of course you are going to eat a roll with your meal!" Needless to say, I won't be weighing in tomorrow. :)

Back at the house, we continued the party, by opening gifts, eating cake and laughing it up. It was such a great day and I feel so spoiled. I am pretty sure as an adult you aren't supposed to get this much attention, and yet I loved every second of it! The celebration is going to last all weekend long. Hubby has made secret plans for this weekend, since we weren't able to spend much time together during his finals week, and to top it off, Sunday is Valentines! The love continues!

Today was a fabulous Birthday, but by far, the best part of the day was hearing my little guy say, "Mama, Happy Birthday! I love you so much and I hope you have the best day because you are my Best Friend." Birthday Complete!

Thursday, February 4, 2010


My kids have the best friends. I hope I can always say that because friendship is so important. While Izzy was at school yesterday, Ashers best friend Bella came to play for the morning. Her Mommy Katie and I switch babies so that we can attend our big boys school functions and it has worked out so perfectly. It has been a while since I have gotten the chance to watch Bella and we had all missed her so badly! She is just the sweetest and Asher adores her.

Almost instantly, I watched my baby boy turn into a big boy showing off for his little friend. He danced for her, tried to read books to her, showed all of his tricks and at one point even tried to walk down two steps like a big guy. She was not at all impressed by said tricks, but he tried his best to please her. They play so well together, they share and look out for one another. I always worry that I won't have fun toys that a baby girl would enjoy, but Bella is so fun she will play with anything. She played cars and colored. We read, sang and practiced our flash cards. Then, I remembered that my Mom had saved one of my baby dolls. Remember the baby dolls that were so life like, very rubbery, soft skin? Well, I ran down and found it, cleaned it up and put Ashers baby onesie on it and instantly I heard a squeal. Bella carried that heavy baby doll around from that moment on. It was so sweet and I was so excited to play girlie things for once! She is so snuggly and sweet and we had the best time with her.

Changing the subject a little, today I was looking for something in our storage and came across two precious notes from my twin nephews from when they were small. My little nephews aren't so little anymore. Now they are strong athletic 14 year olds with low voices. When I first met them, they were younger than Asher and it feels like I have just blinked and they are teenagers. Back to the note, one said, "Ant Michael you are the best ant and the neicest (nicest) ant ever. That is why I am giving you lots of xoxoxoxoxo's. Then he drew flowers all over the page. The other note was just as sweet and he wrote it like a roses are red poem. I almost cried when I read those little notes. It made me realize just how quickly this all passes and how important it is to enjoy every single day of our little ones life. I am sure that my blog isn't always exciting and to others might not seem important, but it makes me so happy to look back and remember simple days with my boys.

Yesterday was so much fun and I can't tell you how it filled this Mommy's heart to see my boys playing with their friends and to hear the little giggles and see the different sides to their personalities. Those are things I wasn't sure I would ever get to experience and here I am, overwhelmed with love and pride for my precious gifts! I am not going to take a day for granted, because before I know it, I will be hearing two very deep voices and looking up to my very handsome guys. :)

Monday, February 1, 2010

Random thoughts...

Am I the only Mommy who thinks Fisher-Price should make sets of extra balls that go with all of their various toddler toys for purchase? I have approximately 1,000 toys that all require the same size plastic balls and somehow my two boys have misplaced almost all of them. Annoying.

I barely made it through today without fainting. Back on South Beach and ready to lose this last bit of weight. I have a formal and pool season staring me down. A couple weeks of torture will be worth fitting into a hot dress and not looking so frumpy in a old lady bathing suit.

Asher learned how to say "UH-OH!" today. He dropped things on purpose, just so he could say it. Cute every single time.

My little Izzy knows his full address and phone number. I was all ready to take the credit since we had practiced over and over for a full day and then I had a conversation with his teacher and found out they have been practicing every single day. Either way...Go Izzy!

I realized yet another reason I detest Winter. My car is forever a big heaping pile of Hot Mess! Dirty on the outside and dirty on the inside. Mommy is too cold and lazy to do anything about it.

I found a fantastic way to clean the house quickly of toys in every room. Give both boys a shopping bag and call it a scavenger hunt. We counted down and they ran around the whole house collecting anything in the wrong spot and threw it in their bags. When they were all done, Izzy put everything in his bag in it's correct "home" and I helped Asher do the same. They giggled the whole time and both got a reward and a big fat kiss for being such good helpers to Mommy! BRILLIANT!

It is time Asher got a reward chart of his own. The kid can't talk, but he puts his dishes in the sink after meals, throws away trash and vaccuums floors. 19 months people!!!!

Started planning the boys birthday parties. Both are in the summer, but I learned from last year, it takes a long time to be creative. :)

Really missed my hubby today. :(

I almost cried tonight when Izzy prayed his bedtime prayer and said, "I just want my Mommy and Daddy to be proud of me."

Going to bed early tonight. South Beach is a lot of work and I am exhausted. Tomorrow is a big day, my Mom's birthday! Unfortunately for me, that means no cake and a sugar-free Jello instead. It will totally taste the same, right?

Now I am hungry for a sugar-free Jello.
