Monday, September 12, 2011

Time to Freeze.

Life is insane right now. I am officially a soccer mom. Now both boys are playing on teams and that consumes 3 nights a week. Add in school, events, friends, church, piano lessons my weeks are becoming so hectic, I am finding dinner to be a difficult task. Izzy doesn't get home from school until 4 and 4 days of the week we are going straight from one thing to another no time for me to prep dinner. The last two weeks we have just kind of "winged" it, with a few crock pot meals in between which were a complete life saver. Other nights it was a free for all. Boys ate "packed lunches" in the car and Hubby and I grabbed a sandwich after they were bathed and in bed. While it works, it leaves me feeling overwhelmed and unorganized. I. Can't. Like. That.
Izzy ready for a full night of Piano & Soccer, dinner in hand.

Mondays for me always bring me a fresh wave of creativity and organization. I like the feeling of a fresh week with a new plan. Today I sat down and wrote out my
To Do list for the week, updated the family calendar, updated Izzy's calendar, and made a list of 6 freezer meals that if I can carve out a few hours this week I plan on making to help - future me out.

Here are my ideas:
*Breakfast Casserole- Breakfast Burritos
*BBQ Pork Tenderloin- Pulled Pork Sandwiches
*Beef Pepperocini Sandwiches
*Honey Garlic Chicken

After spending just a short amount of time making all of those PB&J's and prepping Izzy's lunch, I have found out how WONDERFUL it is! So dinner, that has to be even better, right?

The only downfall....this forces me to clean out the freezer (ugh) and organize it (double ugh). While I love organizing anything, it is cold in the freezer. I hate being cold. I am just going to suck it up and get it done so I don't have to rush our nights anymore than they already are.

My question to you... Do you freeze? Hit me with your best freezer meal ideas. Go!

Happy Freezing to me and hopefully a much happier family at dinner-time!

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