Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Funny boy.

My Izzy is so funny. When he tells stories or says something funny, he has no idea, because to him everything is so serious, and he will tell you so if you giggle. "No Mom, really this is serious. No laughing."

Today he was having a super un-intentional funny day.

Story #1:

Hubby got home from his surgery rotation and went off to Izzy's room to play with the boys while I made dinner. I went in to see what they were up to and Hubby shared what I had missed. Izzy got a new Build-A-Bear Wolf for his Birthday a couple of weeks ago. He named it Bandit. I guess Hubby picked Bandit up and used a really deep funny voice as if Bandit was talking and said something like "Hi, Izzy how are you?" Izzy rolls his eyes and says, "That isn't Bandits voice. When he talks he doesn't sound like that." Hubby: "How do you know what he sounds like?" Izzy: "Because when he talks to me he doesn't sound like that. He is Spanish. So he has a Spanish voice." Of course Hubby busts up laughing and Izzy proceeds to tell him he is serious. "Bandit really is Spanish, Dad." So, I chime in and say so he sounds like Dora? And he said, "Yeah. He says like "Hola Izzy." LOL Oh my word. Where does this kid get this stuff? So he has a Spanish speaking fisherman wolf named Bandit. Or is it Bandito? lol

Story #2:

Izzy had a school friend over to play and swim today. Her name is Ella and she is a super cutie pie and sweet as can be. Very quiet and soft spoken which is probably why they are such good buddies. When they were swimming, I asked them if they were ready to start Kindergarten? Ella gave an enthusiastic YES! But, Izzy said, "No, I am NOT growing up." Ella informed him that she was very excited and Kindergarten was going to be so fun and she IS going to grow up and when she does she is going to be a teacher. Then she decided she was going to be a swim teacher and a teacher-teacher. :) Izzy said, "Well if I DO grow up...I guess I will be a scientist. I said, "Oh you are Izzy, why do you want to do that?" Izzy: "Mom I tell you that everyday. I want to be a scientist because I need to have a white coat that has my name on it." After a minute he added, "I love when things blow up too. So it is a perfect job."

Story #3:

Izzy got a couple of time-outs in the pool today because he was drinking water and that is unsafe and disgusting. I made brownies for our snack with Ella and I found out that he took an extra brownie when no one was around. *sneaky* He fessed up, and I told him he was grounded from TV for the day for not behaving correctly. At bedtime, I talked to him about the day and about all of the fun we had, but that we could have had even more fun if he had made better choices. Then we read the Bible and did a devotional on forgiveness. We talked about sin, and forgiveness and I told him that he should always try to do what is right. And using the brownie as an example, I told him that if he had just asked me, he would have likely been able to have another, but because he tried to cheat to get it, now he lost a privilege. I told him it was time to pray and asked if there is anything he wanted to say.
He prayed:
"Dear Jesus, I need to talk to you about 3 things I did today. 1. I didn't obey you or my Mommy. 2. I wasn't a good listener. 3. I took a brownie without asking. Those were not the right things to do and I am sorry. I am going to try harder because I don't like to be grounded from TV. I like to do what is right. Please forgive me. Amen. "

Then he tells me, "You know what Mom, God sees EVERYTHING that I do, all of the time. He knows when I do the right thing and he knows when I do wrong like when I took that brownie. That was not good. He is always watching me. He always has one eye open on me. Like this *close one eye, and exaggerate the open eye, then look back and forth*. This is how God watches me all of the time. Did you know that Mom? But, the good thing is he always forgives me no matter what I do, because he loves me. Just like you do.

He is sweet, sensitive and funny. He is going to be the perfect man someday. Future are welcome. Well that is, if he ever decides to grow up. ;)

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