Thursday, September 23, 2010

Saab Story

When I went to buy the Pilot, we complained to the salesman that Hubby's Saab was in the shop. Horrible timing, for sure. He said, "Everyone who has a Saab, has one thing in common....a Saab story!" Corny? Yes, but true! This Saab, has been my Arch Nemesis since the beginning. Hubby was determined to get a new car and found it in Ohio. He had a grand plan of visiting relatives and checking out the car at the same time and if it worked out he would drive it home. I had a horrible feeling about this car and tried to persuade him otherwise. Hubby is stubborn and ignored my pleas.
I was pregnant with Izzy during the whole car finding process, and unexpectedly went into labor at 32 weeks. Oh and the same weekend he had a plane ticket to Ohio. FABulous! Baby in NICU, Mommy healing and Hubby on a plane to check out a dumb car. He bought that thing and drove like a race car driver home to get back to Izzy and I. I have hated it ever since.
It is a nice looking car, but the dumbest things go wrong. One time we were on a date, it was hot and I rolled down the window and it went off track and fell straight down into the door. Minus $500, we had the window back on track. Now imagine something like that, about every other month. Completely frustrating. Now the car is feeling "unstable" again and will probably end back in the shop if we don't trade it in first. Secretly, I think Hubby is jealous of my hot new ride and wants one too. :)
He has his eye on something much more economical and RELIABLE. Hoping it works out, so I can stop stressing about cars for a second and this Saab story finally comes to an end.

The lesson here? I am ALWAYS right. Period. I have amazing instincts, and he should listen to me, even when it is a topic he thinks I know nothing about. Instincts win every time. Our 10th wedding anniversary is in a week, and I think he is just now realizing this fact. TEEEEEEEEEEEEEN Years! I am also amazingly patient. ;)

Hubby, I love you and I forgive you. (I love flowers, jewelry and purses.)

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