Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Everyone has heard by now of the complete devastation in Joplin, MO. I have lots of friends that live in Joplin as well as my cousin and her family which includes two small children. When I heard the news, my heart completely sank knowing there was no way to get a hold of them or check on their safety. I imagined the fear of so many Mothers trying to protect their children in such a life threatening storm. I watched the cell phone videos made in the middle of the tornado and almost became sick to my stomach listening to the fear and the babies crying for their parents. Luckily, my cousin, her family and everyone else we know is safe, although their lives are still dramatically changed. But, for the ones that aren't or are still missing my heart breaks.

Living in Missouri my entire life, I have become numb to the sound of the tornado siren. While, we always take cover and protect ourselves, I take for granted that anything will actually happen. I don't think that will be the case anymore after the coverage I have seen and the videos I have watched. Hearing my cousins account is so frightening, I can't imagine how she felt.
She gave an update on Facebook, as she has no way to call anyone to let them know she and her family is safe. She provided this picture:

Driving in her car, the sirens sounded and she was informed she had approximately 10 minutes to find shelter. This is the building she tried to take cover in, but they pushed her out as well as several others and told them to find shelter elsewhere. With no where else to go, she jumped back into her car and drove home, thankfully arriving safely before it hit. She also noted that the tornado literally jumped over her neighborhood and destroyed the next one over.

The picture is slightly fuzzy, but the parking lot is filled with mangled cars and the building is destroyed. I am so thankful she was able to make it home instead of taking shelter here.
The need is so great in this town, the News stated over 75% of the town is completely destroyed and the current count is over 100 dead. I wish I could be one of the volunteers that are there making a difference. As a stay-at-home Mommy, there doesn't feel like there is much I can do to help. Then my wonderful friend Carolyn, posted a link: www.esavealifenow.com, where you can make an appointment to donate blood, which is a huge need. That IS something I can do. Today at my appointment, I will be praying for this town and the people who call it home, for the volunteers who are sacrificing to help others and for the families who are still missing loved ones.

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