Friday, November 6, 2009

Pee Pee Pants

Today was a fantastic day! Hubby was home from school at 12 and we spent our surprise family day at the park. The weather was beautiful, my boys were full of giggles and Hubby and I couldn't stop exchanging smiles while watching our babies play. Asher is officially at park age, he can climb, loves to swing and most of all loves to chase Izzy around. Things were going great and then, being the people watcher I am, I noticed a couple.

Please forgive my judgemental thoughts before I go any further, but trust me, you would have thought the same. =)

So, couple in detail: Mom was dressed like Deborah in Everybody Loves Raymond. Jeans and a cardigan. Cute hair and overall nice looking. Dad was extremely large, dressed in a black Harley Davidson t-shirt and jeans. At first, I didn't think they were together because they were that couple that you just say- Really? How did they end up together? Son was approximately Izzy's age 4'ish and he was dressed in a long sleeved polo and jeans. That is when I noticed...his jeans were completely wet. Son had peed his pants. I saw this kid in passing and noticed the obviously soaked pants and wondered, where are this kids parents and how have they not noticed his pants when I did in .5 seconds? That is when I put the family together. Cardigan, Harley and Pee Pee pants are a family. Huh? My next thought, if parents are that out of it that they don't notice, why is a 4 year old not telling someone. The look on his face was as if he had never been to a park before, he was dripping with excitement...well that and pee.

Right about that time is when I pushed my jaw shut with my hand. I stood there watching this family play and pushing each other on the swings. The swings my little clean Izzy was just on. I couldn't keep my thoughts quiet any longer. I shared the situation with Hubby and he was equally as grossed out. Luckily, we were at the end of our park day anyway and headed out.

Now I am a mother and completely sympathetic that children have accidents and honestly I felt badly for him. What I couldn't understand is why his seemingly normal and mismatched parents, didn't share the same concern for him or all of the other children that will touch and play on the same toys their urine soaked son just contaminated? This is the word that kept coming out of my mouth- "Sick!"

I expect parks to be germ filled, but urine was not on my list of things to look out for. Which reminds me of another instance at a park. Earlier this summer, while Izzy and I were swinging, a boy about 7 or 8 was running around playing on toys entirely too small for his age. The kid stops for a second looks right at us and just PUKES right on the playground. I believe he had just had entirely too much candy b/c the color was something unnatural. Not sure where this kids parents were, but what did pukey do after he cleared his system? Went right back to playing like it is a completely normal process.

Which begs my question...WHAT IS WRONG WITH PARENTS?

Needless to say, we will be playing in the backyard a whole lot more. =)

1 comment:

  1. some parents really are appalling. the main problem is that they just don't pay attention to their kids. i was in a restaurant waiting to be seated one evening, and i heard a near-10 year old boy nearby very clearly complaining about a stomach ache. the mother was pointedly ignoring him, right up to the point where he barfed all over the floor on a busy friday evening. it was absolutely disgusting, and all i could think was... why on earth did this stupid woman drag an obviously sick boy to a restaurant? stupid.
