Thursday, November 5, 2009

There is a new Sherriff in town.

There is so many things I need to post about from this weekend. I am so behind. Lets start with the one that is affecting me currently. I am the new CFO of the household. Major, right?

Hubby is so swamped with Med school that he asked that I take over the finances. I have been very hesitant because Hubby and I are much different in our financial personalities. We are both of the mindset that if you don't have it, you don't spend only. That philosophy has saved us much heart ache and I am so thankful we started out that way, or we wouldn't be able to make it in our current situation. However, we are much different in how we would spend the money we have. We both like nice things, but I am super-duper like don't spend a $1.00 because it makes me want to throw up-frugal and he is more-oh there is a new version of what I have that works totally fine, but that is new and I must have it immediately-spender. When Hubby and I first married, I did the finances, but I loved him oh so dearly and I wanted him to have anything he asked for. The guilt and pressure was literally making me sick, so I turned it over to him. He has done a fantastic job for about 8 years now and I have been worried about taking it back over, but I also know he just doesn't have the time.

Over the weekend, we spent a couple of hours going over all of our accounts, our budget, bills and even our Christmas budget. Everything has been turned over to me, I am in charge. Now I get to make all of the decisions on where the money goes and I do like that feeling, but then I realize I like to see a certain number on our balance...and I am the type of person that will figure out a way to keep it there. Even today, I went to the grocery store and got several items for the kids lunches and snacks and a few dinner items. Nothing fancy, all necessary but it totalled $55.00. For some reason, when Hubby did the books, that didn't hurt so much. But now it is on me, and it stung even though it is a totally reasonable amount. So what does this say about me? Well, I can keep on a budget no matter what. I am the perfect person for the job and there is a reason God put me with my hubby for the road we are taking in life. We have to be realistic and budgeted. I can totally do that. I just hope I actually still enjoy little things here and there, because why go to the bounce house for $7 when you can play at a mall play land for free? Right I know, I think I might need some is really that bad. Every dollar counts to me and that is why I had to turn it over to Hubby in the first hurts too badly to spend money for things even when it is necessity. When I was young, my parents would give us allowance each week. What did I do with mine? Save it. I would wait, for Birthdays or Christmas or school shopping to get new clothes. I mean what teenager does stuff like that? On CFO day #1, Hubby asked for something for his car and I actually enjoyed saying, "Sorry it isn't in the budget." So wrong, I know!

Then, I think although I know it is a little over the top, I am really glad I have that trait now. Everyone seems to be struggling right now and I know how to stretch a dollar. This is all my Grandmas fault anyway. I get this from her. She probably has millions of dollars stashed behind her bedroom walls and yet she takes sugar and ketchup packets from restaurants and saves them so she doesn't have to buy those items. Someone do an intervention when I get to that point...please!

I am the new CFO of the house, and Hubby, I expect your expense reports on my desk Monday bright and early!!

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