Monday, February 1, 2010

Random thoughts...

Am I the only Mommy who thinks Fisher-Price should make sets of extra balls that go with all of their various toddler toys for purchase? I have approximately 1,000 toys that all require the same size plastic balls and somehow my two boys have misplaced almost all of them. Annoying.

I barely made it through today without fainting. Back on South Beach and ready to lose this last bit of weight. I have a formal and pool season staring me down. A couple weeks of torture will be worth fitting into a hot dress and not looking so frumpy in a old lady bathing suit.

Asher learned how to say "UH-OH!" today. He dropped things on purpose, just so he could say it. Cute every single time.

My little Izzy knows his full address and phone number. I was all ready to take the credit since we had practiced over and over for a full day and then I had a conversation with his teacher and found out they have been practicing every single day. Either way...Go Izzy!

I realized yet another reason I detest Winter. My car is forever a big heaping pile of Hot Mess! Dirty on the outside and dirty on the inside. Mommy is too cold and lazy to do anything about it.

I found a fantastic way to clean the house quickly of toys in every room. Give both boys a shopping bag and call it a scavenger hunt. We counted down and they ran around the whole house collecting anything in the wrong spot and threw it in their bags. When they were all done, Izzy put everything in his bag in it's correct "home" and I helped Asher do the same. They giggled the whole time and both got a reward and a big fat kiss for being such good helpers to Mommy! BRILLIANT!

It is time Asher got a reward chart of his own. The kid can't talk, but he puts his dishes in the sink after meals, throws away trash and vaccuums floors. 19 months people!!!!

Started planning the boys birthday parties. Both are in the summer, but I learned from last year, it takes a long time to be creative. :)

Really missed my hubby today. :(

I almost cried tonight when Izzy prayed his bedtime prayer and said, "I just want my Mommy and Daddy to be proud of me."

Going to bed early tonight. South Beach is a lot of work and I am exhausted. Tomorrow is a big day, my Mom's birthday! Unfortunately for me, that means no cake and a sugar-free Jello instead. It will totally taste the same, right?

Now I am hungry for a sugar-free Jello.


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