Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Thanks to my memory, which seems to have taken a vacation as of late, I kind of double booked myself today. I like to think of myself as a pretty organized person. You can always find me with a list, no scratch that, an excel spreadsheet with to-do items. I am normally very scheduled and organized. I don't know what has happened to me in the last two weeks, but I hit a point and my memory checked out, and I was too busy to sit down and fill out my beloved google calendar, my phone calendar or jot down a simple note. I relied on the ol' brain. Last week, within a period of an hour, I realized I TRIPLE booked myself for play dates, same day, same time. OH MY WORD. Luckily I have very forgiving friends, who hopefully know it wasn't purposeful and I will make it up to them. Today however, I booked two very important appointments within minutes of each other. Not on purpose, but the appointments are hard to come by, so I couldn't reschedule.

Morning in review:
-My lovey who normally I have to wake up at 8:15, decided on the day Mommy has a crazy day and isn't feeling so hot, to wake up bright and early at 6 am. I brought him into bed with me and for about .5 seconds I was frustrated and then a teeny tiny little hand rubbed my arm and grabbed hold of my hand so we could sleep the last hour holding hands. Well, alright. He is forgiven.
7-8 was spent getting myself fully ready (not just school pickup ready :) and the boys ready.
8-8:20- Breakfast
8:30- Drop off Izzy at school.
8:30-9- Store
9:00- Izzy's Kindergarten screening and enrollment. The appointment was from 9-9:30. Of course, when I was already cutting it close, I sat in the office waiting my turn until 9:15. This is when I start sweating. They bring Izzy from class and he told me all about his day so far. Keep in mind it had been about 15 minutes of actual class time. :) They weighed and measured Izzy, 54 lbs and 48 inches tall. Off the charts! What did I expect, I guess. I know he is super tall, but when they have to put a greater sign in the percentage spot...it just confirms. They did a vision and hearing test. Here is what I learned: Izzy has the most insane vision. It got to a point, where the school nurse, with glasses, couldn't even read the answer key and Izzy just kept going. Pretty big deal, when you look back at his 8 week premature state and his 1 year constant visits to the pediatric optometrist for his little preemie eyes. Yay!!!!!! Hearing is perfect as well. Something else I learned, Izzy prefers to be called Israel. Hmm..didn't know that. Lots of paperwork and testing later, Izzy is enrolled in Kindergarten and they said he is more than prepared. Super Yay! and Super Sad.

They had me walk him back to class and then I literally ran to my car to rush home because my next appointment, this time for Asher, would be there in 10 minutes. As I pull into my driveway, I see Kelly my PAT contact pull up as well. By the skin of my teeth, I made that appointment! Had a great visit and learned that Asher is about 35 inches tall. Today I realized my kids are gigantic. They tested his vision and hearing and he passed with flying colors. I love PAT day, because it reminds me you don't need thousands of dollars in fancy toys. Asher sat quietly and played with a jar and twist top lid and 4 wooden blocks, lacing beads and a puzzle for 30 minutes. Then she melted his little heart, when she busted out a phone book wrapped as a present and taped with clear packing tape so that it is a tightly wrapped step. She showed him how to stand on top of it and jump. He likes to take things to a new level so he never followed her directions exactly, but instead opted to get a running start from one side of the living room, jump onto the book, off the book and run into the kitchen. This was the remainder of our visit. Each jump/run was ended with a cheer by Asher. He likes to self motivate/congratulate. He didn't want her to leave, my kids never do. They love those visits so much. Once she left, it was time to load back into the car to get Izzy from Preschool.

I have learned a lot today. I am very blessed to have 2 very healthy boys who are right on target in everything. I am raising giants. I can't afford to not take the time to check my calendar and rely on my memory to make future appointments. I think I need to get my eyes checked because I could only see like row 2 of the eye chart.

Now that my crazy morning is almost over, I need to focus on the home front. Lunch, laundry, nap, party planning, dinner, cleaning, calendar updating, special time with the kids, hopefully fit in a convo with my hubby at some point and then this Mommy is C.R.A.S.H.I.N.G.

Disorganization makes you exhausted.

1 comment:

  1. This is why I love you "Disorganization makes you exhausted!" Preach, sister. :)
