Thursday, April 15, 2010

Just a quick thought...

Wouldn't it be so cool if everyone you loved, all lived in the same neighborhood. I have family spread far and wide across the country, friends all over, and sometimes I wish I could just step outside and say hello to my neighbor who also happened to be my best friend and say want to sit outside and let the kids play? No need for play dates or arrangements, everyone is right there. I would be able to let the kids play a little more freely, everyone could watch out for one another and if you needed to make a quick run, there would surely be someone to help you out.

Last night I skyped with my cousin and we had a blast talking, but all I could think is how much I wish we lived close enough to walk to each others house for a cup of coffee instead. Another sweet friend of mine hurt her back very badly this week, and I wish I lived just next door so I could have helped her through the day.

I am feeling very Donna Reed right now, wishing I had a cute apron and all of my loved ones close. :)

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