Friday, May 21, 2010

LIttle things

This week I have had a lot of extra time with my boys. Izzy was home sick with a virus, which meant no play dates or outings, and instead lots of time at home trying to be creative. Last night when I was in bed, I was thinking about the little things I have noticed lately, that I hope I never forget.

1. Asher hums when he gets tired.
Binky in the mouth, he hums a monotone note. I don't even know if he realizes he is doing it. At first it is cute, unless you aren't close to home and listening to a "Nap Alarm" for 15 minutes in the car tends to get a little annoying. Now, if you are at home an he just hums for a couple of minutes...totally cute. :)

2. Izzy's sings made up songs in the shower.
This morning he was singing about dropping his oatmeal and slipping on it. I don't know where he gets his lyrics sometimes, but they are always very funny. And random. A couple of weeks ago, it went something like: I live in Kansas City, I live in Kansas City, Fire in the Hole, Fire in the Hole! It makes me smile every time.

3. Asher likes to pretend he is taking a nap.
He thinks it is beyond hilarious to snuggle next to you, put his chubby hands under his face and snore really loud in your ear. He wants you to pretend too. When you open your eyes, he busts into hysterical laughter and then gives you a kiss. Every time. It is such a sweet moment.

4. Izzy pretends he can read everything.
I found him reading my email the other day. Except he can't read. He was staring at the screen forever and I walked in and said, "Hey Nosey!" He was like, "So, whats going on here on this facebook?" LOL

5. Fives.
I wish I could remember all of the sweet things Izzy says during our "Fives" each night. Last night we did "Highs and Lows" and "Fives". He said, "Mommy, my low today was you left to go to the store. My high was when you came back." Sweets.

6. I want to remember their little hands.
Asher is always holding my hand and his hands are growing so fast! I hope I can remember how his little hand felt in mine.

7. Ashers Hugs.
When he hugs you he rubs your back. I love that.

8. Izzys sweet prayers.
He thinks of everyone and in case he forgot something the first time, he starts all over. :)

Good day to think of all the little things I need to appreciate and enjoy. Mommy is tired, sore and overwhelmed with projects. I have lots to be thankful for and I need to slow down a little more so I can actually enjoy them. Off to a good nap and can hopefully wake up and cross a few things off of my growing list!

Happy Friday!

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