Friday, May 21, 2010

New Layout!

It is Spring time...although you wouldn't know it where I live. Sunshine hasn't come for a visit in a while and the non-stop rain has left me needing something to brighten my day and attitude. What better time to change up the ole' blog. Loving the colors and the sweet pic of my boys. Hopefully, you all think the same.

I spent the night working away on my little lovey's 2nd birthday bash. One project almost completed, so I am feeling pretty good about myself. I am branching out. I am trying new things. I am daring to be creative and not really worrying so much about the outside opinion, which is a pretty big deal since I am a total people pleaser. I would have never categorized myself as a crafty person, and maybe I still won't, but it turns out I can throw a pretty cute party. Very excited for Lovey's party. Not so excited that he is growing so fast. Lots of things to mark off the party project list, it is now a daily requirement. Mommy needs to stay focused!

Saturday is sure to be fun, a pool party for a sweet 5 year old friend. Can't wait to find out how Asher reacts to the water. Baths have proven to be a war so I am a little concerned for pool time tomorrow and the rest of the summer for that matter. This is one time where I am hoping peer pressure wins. :)

All in all, I had a great night. Quiet night full of projects all to myself. Gave me a little time to regroup and get out of this funk I was in earlier. Excited to start a new day and enjoy it with great friends and my super cute swimmers. (Hopefully)

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