Wednesday, October 13, 2010

This is where I complain....

Feel free to skip this post if you don't want to hear me whine... :)

We had a beyond fantastic weekend, which I posted about. Sunday we went to church, had a nice lunch, we all took a great nap and enjoyed a quiet night in playing as a family. Monday, I wake up at 6 am to Izzy running up the stairs in what I can only describe as a vomit coughing fit. He never actually puked, but it sounded like it all the way up the staircase. By the time he reached us, he was choking and crying hysterically. I jump up and try to gather myself to put the puzzle together and figure out that he has gotten sick overnight with a cough I have never heard before, had no fever, but was screaming about how badly his head hurt. I took him to urgent care and they tested him for strep and pertussis. :( Strep was negative, and we are still waiting on the pertussis results, but they treated him for it anyway since his cough was so distinct. Every minute that passed through the day, he progressively worsened. While at the doctor, his fever grew to 101+ and his body weakened so much that he could no longer walk or lift his head. Drastic difference from the energetic happy boy I had all weekend. This is considered an infectious disease if that is what he truly has, so he can not be exposed to anyone until day 3 of medication (today) and no fever for 24 hours (also today).
The medicine he was prescribed is super strong, and he was given a large dose the first day. He made huge improvements by Tuesday and was able to eat and walk around without help and his coughing fits were down to a handful.
Today he was even better than yesterday, and with no fever and all of the medication, today is the day to disinfect, clean and do about a million loads of laundry.

Here is my complaint list:

I am exhausted.

I still have a broken rib, which seems to refuse to heal. Over it!

For 3 days, I have checked on Izzy every 10 minutes. Sometimes unnecessarily, but the nurse freaked me out a little when she said, he should come back if he suddenly stops breathing. :/

Keeping a 2 year old away from his big brother makes for a very cranky toddler.

Keeping a 5 year old in his room and containing his germ spreadage...difficult.

Keeping my Hubby happy during finals week with all of this going on...also difficult- crying kids, dinners late, and Mommy looks like she walked through a tornado.

Now Grandma is sick, so not only did I have to keep Izzy and Asher separated, but I also have to keep him away from her room. Can someone loan me some caution tape?

I can barely sit up because my back is so jacked from my car wreck, so this whole week isn't helping. Hoping I can make it to the kids bedtime...

My work list for the day:

Woke up at 7:30 to a pumpkin spice latte and breakfast from my loving Hubby.

Started laundry. 7 loads to go!

Stripped Izzy's room of all bedding, trash, dirty laundry.

Cloroxed his entire room, every. single. toy.

Rearranged his furniture.


Cleaned Ashers room.

Stripped the boys bathroom, bleached everything and mopped the floor.

Folded 4 loads of laundry so far....

Hubby gave me a chance for a quick break to feel the beautiful sunshine and have a few moments to myself while running a few errands. Bank, Sams Club, Grocery Store. Aaaaaahhhhhhhh! (Meanwhile he fed the kids you see why I love him?)

Put Asher to nap.

Cleaned the kitchen.

Started dinner in the crockpot.

Cleaned the kitchen again.

Unloaded the dishwasher.

Played Playmobile with Izzy.

I still have to finish dinner, do the last 7 loads of laundry, clean up before bed, bathe the boys and put them to bed, clean my bedroom and bathroom and find a heat pad for my back so when it is all done I can turn my phone off, turn the tv on and check out until 7 am!

Vent over.

Signing out,
One Wiped Mommy from Missouri.

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