Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Blessing!

I know I know, it's been a while. Please forgive me, but I have been soaking up every single second with my Hubby while he is on break from school. We have been all over and spent wonderful time with friends and family. We have crafted, been all over the city taking in the beautiful season and making Christmas memories.

Today, I was wrapping up my last few projects and my last gifts when I got a call from Hubby who was out to lunch with an old friend. He said, "Honey, you won't believe this, but he paid for my lunch. AND then, he gave us (large amount of money) and told me to take you out for a nice date (more like 5 or 6 nice dates:) and when I refused he said that him and his wife talked about it and wanted to bless us. Is that AMAZING!?! Right before Christmas, when times are tough and he has his own family and children to bless. I was just shocked and then I cried. These are friends we don't see often anymore and just an invite to lunch was a blessing to Marcus but everything else was so unexpected, but oh so appreciated. Hubby and I don't exchange presents on Christmas so we can focus on the boys and this gift today gives us a chance to spoil each other a little bit and the gift of time with my Hubby is the best thing I could ask for!

Izzy surprised me yesterday morning by giving me his favorite stuffed animal. When I asked why he wanted to give it to me he said, "Because I am learning about the spirit of Christmas and that means giving and sharing your favorite things, so I give you Jack, but I need him back after Christmas. :) I'm so glad he is learning to be a giver because we have been given so much. My prayer is that I teach my boys to give and be thoughtful of others first,because in the end, God always takes care of every single need or desire.
Today is a perfect example of that.

I hope that I have been able to bless my friends and make them feel as special as I feel today.
Praying the rest of 2010 finds you richly blessed and surrounded in love! Merry Christmas! Michael

1 comment:

  1. Praise the Lord! That is so awesome! I'm happy for you guys! Miss you and love you all so much! <3
