Friday, January 28, 2011

Just call me the Queen of Funk

Thought I would let you know how I've been spending my time recently when I am not mothering, wifeing and cleaning.

I've been DANCING!

I can't stop. I would call for my friends to come make me stop, except they are all just as hooked!

It all started with a little game called Zumba. I took a class at the Y for about a year and loved every second. I would almost pass out on the drive home every time, but it kept me coming back for more. It is a fantastic work out and it is super fun! So when I found out that I could buy it as a game, I knew it was meant to be. I have played it almost every day several times a day for 2 weeks. It has gotten so bad that Asher actually told me to stop dancin'!

Girls nights...what do we do? Have a dance off! Last weekend, I went to my sweet friend Katie's house and we Zumba'd and Dance Centraled our way to exhaustion. Luckily we have yummy snacks to give us the energy to survive. A few days later, I hosted a spontaneous girls night with my friends Amanda and Brenda. You might have heard of a guy named Michael Jackson, he is a pretty good dancer and has a couple hits. Well, she brought her Wii game over and you can add it to my obsessed column. It is so much fun!

The dancing doesn't stop there because this weekend was JAM PACKED full of fun! Like I am not even sure if this blog is going to make a bit of sense because I am in a haze of exhaustion, so please excuse my ramblings. Any who...Friday night Hubby and I got all dolled up and went to a fancy party for our dear friends who celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary. Delicious food, catered Sheridans custard (omw...every party should have this) live band (music was killller!) and the sweetest of all, a renewal ceremony. After shedding a few tears due to the sweetness level...the band kicked off with what?.... oh nothing, just a little MJ! I wanted to break out my dance video moves so badly, but alas, they were video taping and who really wants evidence? And just as I was dancing in the Sheridans line with my seriously hilarious friend Karli, what did my ears hear except the first notes of Hubby and I's song-Anytime by Brian McKnight! So I gave him the look and within seconds we are dancing away like we are back in high school. MJ, JT, Brian McKnight it was like the band was in my head. It was beyond fun and my feet showed the level of fun. Jessica Simpson shoes are not made for hours of dancing. Or maybe that is just what happens when you spend your everyday in yoga pants and flip flops. Either way, the pain was totally worth it.

My boys had stayed the night with my Bro-in-law and when I picked them up the next morning, we all made plans for a super duper fun family day. Extreme sledding and a Kinect party that night. I say extreme because anything with our family can not be normal. No, we have to build ramps and jumps and we come up with crazy sled formations to find the highest speeds possible. I have videos to prove all of this, but unfortunately blogger apparently doesn't care to load ANY of my videos anymore. Annoying. Imagine with me if you will, how my poor feet feel. I have been dancing daily for weeks and then attend the best party ever where I dance until the stage broke (actually happened), followed up by hours of extreme sledding and all the walking up the crazy steep hills and then add in about 4 hours of Kinect sports and ZUMBA! I just wanted to find a pedi chair to soak my poor feet in and never move again. Speaking of Zumba again, my sweet nephews J, T, L are a bundle of fun. They will try anything, even Zumba. I spent the rest of the night having a dance off with different family members, but most of the time I wasn't dancing so much as doubled over in laughter because they are just too cute. I wish I had a video of that.

Sunday, I took a much needed dance break. After church we headed over to our friends the Weeses for a Super-Super bowl party! My stomach is sore today from all of the laughing and I am always happy to be sore from that. I can't give all of our fun away, but I will say that hair extensions were involved and someone may or may not have looked exactly like Billy Ray Cyrus from Achey Breaky heart days. True Story.

My feet feel bruised, my guts hurt from a weekend of fun and I am going to need a large mixing bowl full of coffee to survive this day, but it was totally worth it.

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