Sunday, March 27, 2011


I am so super excited today. After a wonderful service at church today, my friend Aimee came up to me to ask if I wanted to be her workout partner. My answer, "Um, Yes!" At first I was a little unsure of the details and was afraid I would have to join a gym and get measured or something. eek! She quickly put my mind to ease by telling me her plan was to come to me so we could work out to Zumba or her DVD's together during Ash's nap. Perfect! When I told her I just acquired the Dance Central game for Kinect we had a moment that ended in a high-five. Boom! Workout plan complete. Aimee is a super fun and talented girl who happens to also be an amazing photographer. I'm going to be sure she takes a picture of me at goal weight so I look super fantastic. This is going to work out great because she just lives down the street from me and most of her photography stuff during the week is at night. Ash naps at 12:30, so I can get all of my stuff completed during the morning, have a workout and still have my nights with the family. Also, what is better than having a daily accountability partner? I just hope she can contain her laughter because I'm sure I look completely ridiculous. I have also decided we should have matching sweat bands. That seems official. Even more fun, my friend Katie also has the Kinect and the same games so we could workout with her too! I really feel like all of my friends should have a Kinect. Can't tell you how fabulous it is to be able to have time with your buddies from home especially when you all have kids and life gets hectic. So everybody buy a Kinect (Xbox, you can totally thank me with free merch.) and then we can start an online class and all chat everyday! Once you get one, I'll let you know what color sweat band to buy! :)

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