Thursday, May 5, 2011

Celebration Day!!!

If Medical School was like a Super Mario game, Hubby is running up that last hill and making the giant leap to the top of the flag of level 2. If that made no sense, today is the last day of FINALS EVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! (and the crowd roars!) 2nd year is over. No more classes, No more crazy mid-terms followed a week later by a crazier final. I feel like throwing a party I am so happy. If I am this happy, think how ecstatic Hubby is! He is like a new person this week. As each day passed and with that one last test to take, he breathed a little easier. He has had a smile on his face since Monday and I have heard him laugh more this week than I have in the last couple of months.

It has been a long, grueling, exhausting road, but he did it! Not a single remediation in the bunch either!! I am so proud.

6,240. That is the number of hours in the last 2 years that he has spent studying, NOT including finals weekends. Oh. My. Word.

Tonight, I am taking my guy out for a celebration date. The kids are staying with my parents and Hubby and I are going out on the town. The date has to be like the best date ever because as of Sunday, we go into full blown Boards mode. For tonight, we won't think about that...we will just enjoy Cinco de Mayo for a different reason than every one else.

Happy Half-Way There Day!!!


  1. YAY! I only have 3 words for you: JESSICA.SIMPSON.SHOES.


  2. :D have you ever watched Chuck? i <3 that show. you remind me of his sister Ellie. as of today, i am going to start thinking of you as Mrs. Awesome.
